new jersey grooms cakes
For the Guys: Pint Groom’s Cake

I have beer on the brain.
I’m not sure whether it’s the two days straight that I’ve opted for meals in pubs, or if it’s the fact that I just spent an awesome week with a beer loving friend, but I knew it was time to feature that king of groom’s cakes: The Beer Cake.
But isn’t this cool? If I’m gonna drink beer, it’s gonna be a good one, and this replica of a pint of Guiness Extra Stout, with lots of cute changes made to the label to make it an original statement, is just awesome, and celebrates right where I am today. I don’t know if it makes me crave cake or beer, though. Either way, it’s good.
We found this fantastic cake on Pinterest, but if you’re after the look, it was created by the team at Pink Cake Box. We are huge fans of their meticulous work.