non traditional wedding desserts
Wedding Cake Alternatives: Non-Traditional Wedding Cake Options

I haven’t bumped into many people who say they don’t like cake. But apparently, they are out there. And in the past, People Who Don’t Like Cake would grin and bear their secret loathing (or their apathy…but that doesn’t sound very dramatic) when it came to their wedding. After all, you MUST have a ginormous wedding cake at your wedding, yes? A towering confection, an architectural wonder, made with more butter and eggs and sugar than you’ve eaten EVER?
Well, if you are among the People Who Don’t Like Cake, have I got news for you. Time to come out of the cake closet and rejoice in your new found freedom, because you don’t have to serve cake at your wedding. Well, not the big giant white white white kind, anyway. You can – gasp! – serve what you’d like.
In the past ten years or so, couples have begun to question Read More
Going Beyond the Cake

I know I have mentioned this before..but there are people out there who just don’t like cake. If you aren’t really a cake person why bother spending a ton of money on a wedding cake or wedding cupcakes? Your guests might enjoy them but it is your day so you should be able to have a dessert that you enjoy. Because let’s face it: there really aren’t any rules when it comes to weddings. Also, some brides or grooms have gluten or flour allergies…so why have a cake? I promise…the wedding police will not come out and place you under arrest if you choose not to have a cake at your reception.
I realize this all sounds pretty weird coming from a girl who spends most of her time writing about or eating wedding cakes. Luckily, there are a lot of really great alternatives to the traditional cake or cupcake.
Something that kind of blows my mind and that I would be thrilled to find at any wedding is the Cheesecake Wedding Cake. A wedding cake made entirely of cheesecake. I’ve mentioned before that my inner-Golden Girl would SO have a field day with this option. However, I felt like it was sort of a long shot. I know cheesecake is a little pricey and I could not even begin to imagine how much a Cheesecake Wedding Cake must cost. I was pretty pleased to find out that a.) they do exist and b.) you will Read More