hawaii wedding cakes
Plumeria and Ruffles Wedding Cake

This one…is for my mom. Happy Belated Mothers’ Day, Mom! Here’s your wedding cake!
My mom took the trip of a life time a few years back with one of her best chums and my grandmother – to Hawaii, some place Mom and MaMa (remember, I’m from West Virginia, y’all) had always wanted to go. They came back absolutely in LOVE with Read More
Pink and White Orchid Wedding Cake

I have a friend from my childhood who married well. Like…her family went to Hawaii last month and are in Florida this week. Sure, they are both business trips for her husband’s work…but color me jealous because I have to scrimp and save for end tables from Ikea. This is not to say she married for money because she didn’t…she just got super lucky in the rich husband department.
Anyway, while looking through her family photos of their Hawaiian vacation I found myself longing for a glass of pineapple juice and a vase full of hibiscus flowers. Since that won’t work we’ll just post this lovely cake that Read More