mikes amazing cakes
New Year’s Cake..sort of.

So I’m wrapping up Christmas Cake Week 2011 today with this very non-Christmas cake. I know what you must be thinking. This cake has nothing to do with Christmas..Winter or even really New Years. I’m thinking a little outside of the box here so just roll with it. Focusing on the new year is all about time. Minutes, days and months pass and then a new year begins. I could get all existential here and Read More

We all have them..jobs. Regardless if you are a lawyer, teacher, or blogger…the same thing is true..if you LOVE your job..you sort of become your job. So what is a fun loving movie advertising couple who also happens to love action flicks to do? Well..make an action packed cake that is!
This couple decided their wedding needed a little bit of extra Hollywood flare so they spiced it up by created a movie poster Read More