sand castle cake
Disney Beach Wedding Cake

I’ll be the first to admit that I am counting down the days to my Disney/Beach trip in May. I’m dreaming of fun warm Disney days followed by days relaxing on the beach. I want to wind in my hair, the sand between my toes and to lotion myself up with stuff that smells like tropical fruit. Too much information..maybe..
When I saw this cake feature on Disney’s Fairytale Weddings and Honeymoon’s Ever After Blog (say that three times fast) I almost Read More
Under the Sea Wedding Cake

OK, I had to stick with the under the sea theme after those cutie pie scuba diver cake toppers!
This one features a shark and what looks to be either a sunfish…or a yellow submarine! 😉 I really like the ship topper, but I can’t get over those little piped bubbles on the side. I think that’s a really fresh and Read More