martha stewart cakes
For the Guys: Megeve Chocolate Groom’s Cake

For the boy who is a man and is getting married, and loves France, or chocolate, or skiing, or all of the above, I give you the Megeve Chocolate Groom’s Cake.
Named for the French ski resort town of the same name, this kinda looks like a big, delicious, chocolate mountain, doesn’t it? With its dusting of icing sugar, I’d like to swish my way down the side of it with a fork right about now. Beneath all those chocolate curls you’ll find discs of vanilla meringue sandwiched together with chocolate mousse. Yum and more Yum.
I found this deliciousness on Martha Stewart, but I spy a little “F” insignia in the front, and I’m wondering if it stands for Fauchon, a food emporium in Paris…also known as HEAVEN ON EARTH. (No. Seriously. Go there. Now.)
Martha Stewart Ruffle Tower Cake

Guess what?
I have hereby determined that it’s Ruffle Week here on AWCB.
Why? Because I have an abundance of ruffle cakes in my Pinterest folder and I have been teaching 2nd grade long enough to know that every week needs a theme. Oh yes.
To kick off RW ’11 (Ruffle Week 2011) we’ve got to pay homage to the Goddess of the Ruffle herself. You know who I am talking Read More