sombrero wedding cakes
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for April 1, 2012

And where does this first day of April find you? We are chillin’, back home from our little getaway, and eager to take on the last quarter of school before – yippee! – summer vacay! While it’s hard to stay focused some days, when I remember that my focus is on, you know, cake and pretty…well, it suddenly puts it all in perspective.
So, what are your favorite finds lately in the world of wedding? Let’s compare notes! But first, we’ll take a look at Read More
Sombrero Wedding Cake

Normally, I don’t feature cake pics that were obviously taken in the work room of a bakery, or in other non-glamorous settings. But c’mon. It’s a sombrero cake. I mean, seriously. I couldn’t resist.
THIS…is a fun couple. I mean, I’m sure there is probably some kind of cultural connection…or perhaps they met Read More