country club weddings
Fun Wedding Favors – Personalized Golf Balls

OK, you might be thinking “golf balls”?
But this could be a really fun wedding favor – and you don’t even need to like golf.
As a golfer I really like the idea of handing out personalized golf balls as wedding favors – especially if your reception happens to be a at a country club. The golf balls could be an “extra” favor for guests, not necessarily the only favor. Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for June 24, 2012

Hey There, Ho There, and Happy Solstice! What did you do during the longest day of the year this week? Anything special? Nah, me neither. But it’s nice to know that, after I’ve been talking about it seemingly for weeks, summer is finally underway!
This week, I make my way up the East Coast, stopping in to a couple of beaches along the way, as I head to a wedding in Maryland next Saturday. My, but we are hoping there’s a crab cake at the reception somewhere.
But between packing and other prep, I’ve been looking at what’s going on this week in the World of Read More