Erica O’Brien Cake Design
Ombre Sugar Valentine’s Heart Cake

OMG, y’all.
You know that I adore the genius, ingenuity, and hard word that is Erica O’Brien Cake. From the beginning of my work on this blog a year ago, I have followed her creative process through her blog with fascination. Right now, I’m captivated by her move across country and her hard work to get her new shop up and running in Hamden, Connecticut.
But in the midst of all the crazy that opening a business entails, Erica still finds time to be, you know, inspired, which just floors me. And she always seems to find inspiration from things mere mortals Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for January 30, 2011

We’re ranging far and wide this week to bring you the latest and greatest in all things sweet to eat – and otherwise – about weddings.
They announced their engagement on Twitter and Facebook. This week, Kate and William fax their Save the Dates. Embracing technology in the name of Read More