sports themed cake toppers
Cake Topper Friday: Baseball Bride and Groom Cake Topper

As American as Mom, Baseball, and Apple Pie! Going into the week during which we celebrate the 4th of July, I am lovin’ this adorable cake topper, featuring the groom on the pitcher’s mound and the bride at bat. ‘Cause I totally think the couple that plays together stays together.
Can’t you just see this on a summertime wedding cake? For that couple that we all know where they are BOTH Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Big Gulp Topper

Never have I ever seen a cake topper feature a 7-11 Big Gulp. I am not here to judge…just to report the facts…and this cake does indeed feature a…Big Gulp.
Okay, Big Gulpiness aside it is adorable. This gumpaste cake topper features the happy bride and groom getting ready for a ball game. The bride is holding a baseball while the groom is ready with his bat and glove. This would be a great topper for a fun loving baseball couple.
What do you think? Can you get past the Big Gulp Read More