strawberry wedding cake
Strawberry Wedding Cake

As I continue to dream about warmer weather, today I’m sharing a strawberry wedding cake with you.
Of course we all know that strawberries are a summer fruit – if you’re from the northern half of the country, at least – but it’s never too early to start thinking about your summer wedding.
I love the whimsy and simple charm of this cake. It makes me happy just looking at it. Read More
Strawberry Fields Forever

Did we mention that we may just live in a state where strawberries are in season while the rest of the country is still shivering? (Please, don’t hate us.)
But, that would explain to you why I see this cake, and think, “Oh, how perfect for March!” While you see it, and say, “Well, now she’s just torturing us.”
So, let’s call it inspiration for all you brides planning a wedding in the next few months.
This cake makes me think…fresh. It’s pretty, simple, Read More
Fruit Cake..but not that holiday kind..

Fruit Cake. Every holiday season without fail someone..ALWAYS gives me a fruit cake. I give it to my dog. If fruit cake isn’t good enough for William and Kate..well then it is not good enough for me!
I have been staring at this photo on Flickr for months..a delicious concoction of fruit, cream and cake..yum yum! Sonja and Roberto…Christen approves of your cake that consists of mostly strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
This three tiered round cake is topped with berries and the inside you can see gorgeous, gorgeous Read More
Strawberry Wedding Cake

“Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don’t forget your booties ’cause it’s cooooold out there today….It’s Groundhog Day!!”
Name that movie..go..
Got it. Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. A favorite of mine that I had never seen until a few years ago. Another fun Groundhog day fact…it’s not called “Groundhog’s Day” which I called it entire life. It’s singular as in one wee groundhog. Since Punxsatawney Phil did not see his shadow today (he must of gotten Read More