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black and red wedding cakes


Black and Red Wedding Cake Pop Cake

black and red cake pop wedding cake close up

My name is Brooke, and I love cake pops.  (Hi Brooke.)

Omistars…I feel certain that cake pops were some kind of happy accident, or were the obvious invention of thrifty cake bakers who couldn't imagine throwing out all those cake scraps (we used to make rumballs out of all those yummy leftovers.)  Dress them up, put them on a stick, and you have the perfect two bite dessert!

But savvy folks like Julie of Party Pops by Julie are taking the artistry of the humble cake ball to a whole new level.  Check out this incredible wedding cake – made from Read More


Nerd Cakes


I have a little problem. It’s called Pinterest. I have another problem. I’m a big old nerd.

I can actually hide it pretty well but once I get rolling about Harry Potter, Angry Birds, Twilight or anything else remotely nerd-tastic, I cannot be stopped. So today I have decided to embrace my inner-nerd and post a bunch of FUN Nerd-inspired cakes that I found via Pinterest. Why, you ask? Because today, August 15th, 2011, is the last day of my twenties. Tomorrow I Read More