bright colored cakes
Colorful Wedding Cake

We’ve had a lot of rain around here lately. A lot. But one of the things I love about summertime rain showers is the possibility of a rainbow if the sun just happens to be peeking out during the deluge.
I’m also a big fan of rainbows in cake form – especially if we’re talking wedding cakes.
Think about how fun a rainbow cake would be. Your guests see all these layers of cakes with simple white icing but when the cake is sliced…BAM! Rainbow! Read More
Candy Cake and Cake Stand

We are no stranger to Jenniffer from Cup A Dee Cakes. We’ve featured some of her gorgeous cakes before like this Scroll Pattern Cake and we have featured her on our Let Them Eat Cake Round Up more times than I can count.
However, we’ve never met her Read More