cinderella wedding cakes
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for September 30, 2012

Hello, hello! How are you this very fine Sunday? I’m swell, and happy that it’s the weekend.
How is the weather in your neck of the woods? Cool and crisp? Well…lucky YOU. ‘Cause we are totally sweltering here in the southeast. It happens this way every year, but it’s always so tiring…watching everyone else’s mercury plummet while ours holds steady. But in just a few weeks, it will be the dry season…or what we call in Florida…bliss.
Isn’t this just the BEST time for weddings, though? Rich foods, rich colors, and that excitement that just Read More
Kim Kardashian’s Engagement Party Cake

So this wasn’t the post I intended for today but on my daily visit to all my Disney, Wedding Cake and Hollywood Gossip Blogs I saw one common theme. Ms. Kim Kardashian’s Cinderella inspired Engagement Party Cake that was reportedly made by Hansen’s Cakes in Los Angeles. The same bakery that Tori Spelling buys all her cakes from as well. I guess if you are a reality television star you buy your cakes here. The edible part of this cake is the hill with the castle topper. I have a love of all things Disney. Especially Cinderella. I would love to see a Cinderella wedding done Kim Kardashian style. Wouldn’t you?
According to her sister Khloe (who posted the picture of her gorgeous cake on her blog) the family gathered together for a “normal family dinner” and Kim walked in and announced her engagement. I know all of my “normal family dinners” include live ponies. Don’t yours?