present wedding cakes
Present Wedding Cake

Everybody loves getting presents wrapped in pretty paper and topped with a perfectly tied bow, right?
Sure they do! And that’s why I love this pretty in pink wedding cake so much. It’s just so darn cute I couldn’t resist sharing it with you today.
This gorgeous three-tiered confection would be perfect for a smaller wedding, a winter wedding, a spring wedding, or even your bridal shower. Read More
And So It Begins: Winter Holiday Wedding Cakes

I figure if the big box stores are already advertising, and I’m already shopping, then it’s okay for me to start the winter holiday/Christmas-inspired cake posting…yes? I thought you’d agree.
This one had me at Red Ribbon. Is this not completely, totally, utterly fabulous? What appears to be a pile of presents is, in fact, a cake. Or a pile of cakes. I’m not sure.
At any rate, I totally Read More