masculine wedding cakes
Sage and White Square Box Wedding Cake

I’m in a unique state of mind this week, y’all.
This box-themed cake is incredible, don’t you think? I love everything about it. The meticulous execution of the theme (really. Would you know it was cake if I didn’t tell you?) The colors. The flawless – and I do mean FLAWLESS designs of argyle, hounds tooth, and stripes. The off-center stacking that is different than the way we usually see a wonky feature like that applied. And how about the top “box”, with the lid propped up, flowers spilling out? I love that the cake perfectly blends masculine Read More
Art Deco Square Wedding Cake

I started to make this cake a feature for Wedding Cake Topper Friday, on account that I heart Paris in the most longing way, and so of course I sighed and swooned when I saw this fabulous cake. But honestly, the cake is so much more than that topper. And so here it is, the star of its own post.
I’m a big fan of art deco anyway. Have you seen Midnight in Paris? Woody Allen’s 2011 Oscar contender straddled the line between present day and 1920s Paris. I loved it immediately, and this cake, with its art deco motif and La Tour Eiffel topper, takes me right to it. And there’s something so Read More