candy trimmed wedding cakes
Jelly Bean Wedding Cake

It’s that time of year again – the store aisles are full of so many kinds of jelly beans, it’s hard to choose a favorite!
Personally I’m a fan of the “traditional” jelly beans (minus the licorice flavored beans). But I never thought about embellishing a wedding cake with jelly beans. Until now.
How fun is this “jelly bean wedding cake”? I don’t know about you, but I smiled as soon as I saw this cake.
It’s just so cute and fun and whimsical – three things that mean you can’t pass up this cake. Read More
Crushed Candy Wedding Cake

In my quest to find a wedding cake that was both beautiful and brightly colored, I stumbled upon this lovely confection and just had to share it with you!
It reminds me of this rock candy wedding cake we featured a few years back but I think I like this yellow, sunny cake a little bit more, if only because the color reminds me of sunshine and spring and warm weather.
Admit it – you thought of sunshine as soon as you saw this cake, right? Read More
Pink Vanilla Cotton Candy Cake

Really…do we ever outgrow our love of pink cotton candy? I think not.
I have never seen a cake that made me want to trip right out in my mary janes, in my pink gingham dress, and play paper dolls. This cake is fantastic! And we have Heather at Sprinkle Bakes to thank for the brilliance of it.
Really…this cake would be absolutely perfect for a small wedding…or a bridesmaids’ luncheon…or a Tuesday afternoon.
I think we need party dresses and Champagne to go with it, yes?
Check out Heather’s Read More