sweet wedding cake toppers
Cake Topper Friday: Sitting Bride and Groom Cake Topper

Has any part of your courtship involved sitting on a dock, dangling your feet in the water? Will your reception offer such a refreshment? Well then, this is the cake topper for you!
I think this is so sweet. It’s as if the bride and groom Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Rainy Wedding Day Topper

Take it from a former bride who went a weensy bit control freak on her wedding party: learn to roll with the punches NOW. Because something WILL go wrong on your big day.
And it should, you know? I mean, life isn’t perfect. And learning to deal with an imperfect life will only make you a FAR more pleasant life partner to that cute guy (or girl) that you’re calling Shnookums these days.
I don’t know if Read More