un-iced wedding cakes
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for March 18, 2012

Oh, but we have hit Spring Fever with a vengeance in my household.
We want to go to the beach! And the pool! Because in Florida, Spring Fever looks a lot like, you know, summer. But there have been stock car races and Bike Weeks and crazy parties for Irish folk to get through…before the Spring Breakers descend. And we are eager to join them. Like, next week.
So, we are introducing a slightly different format for our Let Them Eat Cake blog round-up, starting this week. We’ll be sharing with you what we’ve been up to all week (in case you missed it…it’s one stop Read More
Rustic Un-Iced Wedding Cake

I wanted to entitle this one “Naked Cake.” But I didn’t know how Google might handle that.
I look at a LOT of wedding cakes, Dear Readers. So I see a lot of trends. Some trends are, well, trends. Some “trends” are things that start out adorable, but after you’ve seen them twenty times, well…not so much.
The use slices of tree trunk to signal “I am rustic” is starting to kinda fall into that category for me. However, I had to show you this one, because Read More