retro wedding cakes
Naked Bundt Cake with Flowers

Ah, bundt cakes. The ubiquitous cake of the 1950s and 1960s.
They’re so retro that they’re cool again – just ask my mom. She loves to bake bundt cakes for family birthdays, complete with homemade chocolate drizzle.
Imagine having a bundt cake as your wedding cake – now that would be cool. Plus, they’re basically the original “naked” cake, with only a drizzle of frosting. Read More
Ombre Red Velvet Wedding Cake

From the pages of Martha Stewart, we find this new take on a much loved classic, Red Velvet Cake.
Everybody knows that the BEST red velvet cakes must be covered in a thick layer of cream cheese frosting, right? I mean, you do know that? Well, that doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room for creativity on the outside of your cake…so this baker, Francina Stewart of One Girl Cookies in Brooklyn, took to the inside to set her cake apart. The outside is covered with Read More
Summer in December: Basketweave Strawberry Cake

I’m in a contrary state of mind.
We are about to launch into the week before Christmas, and so, of course, Christen and I both have some delighful, sugar-plummy cakes planned for you. So what better way to cleanse your brain palate than to offer you something completely off the wall today?
Yes. It’s July in December.
I mean, we do the opposite all the time, right? Christmas in July and all that? Well, here’s a look at the summeriest thing I could find: basketweave and strawberries, trimmed with ivy, with Read More