cheese wedding cakes
Let Them Eat Cheese!

Confession time – I love cheese. If given the chance I’d probably eat cheese at every meal of the day and twice on Sunday.
Cheese is awesome.
And if you love cheese just as much I think you’re gonna love today’s featured wedding cake because it is four tiers of CHEESE. Read More
A Wedding Cake Made of Cheese

I love cheese.
I’m talking I could eat cheese at every meal if given the opportunity. Which is probably why I would love to be invited to a wedding reception where the cake was made entirely of cheese.
Just like today’s wedding cheese cake.
This stunning cake was created using five wheels of cheese and it would be the perfect “cake” for a reception where there was also a dessert buffet. Read More
White One-Tier Wedding Cake

There’s something to be said for an elegant, one-tier wedding cake.
With a smaller cake there’s no muss, no fuss but the cake can still steal the show.
While I’m a fan of big, elegant and fancy wedding cakes I also like the smaller cakes.
Whether you’re hosting a small, intimate reception and you don’t need a big cake, or you’re planning on serving other desserts (cupcakes, a dessert bar, or maybe a cheese wedding cake) – a one-tier cake can be perfect for so many reasons. Read More
Cheese Cake: A Cake Made of Cheese

There's cheesecake and then there's cheese cake. Yes, that's right. Today we're talking about “cakes” made out of wheels of cheese. Is there anything more glorious really?
We have featured cheese cakes here Read More
Another Cheese. Cake.

You read that right. It’s another cheese period cake period.
When we first posted this back in December I thought it would be the only one we’d ever see. Then the very next month I found this cake, and I had to face the SHOCKING revelation that not all people like cake. Who knew?
Well here we are, almost six months later, and I have found yet another cake made entirely of cheese. Is it just me or do they get more gorgeous every time we find a new one? The next one we find will be like Read More

Did you know that there are some people out there who DON’T like cake?
I am not one of these people, however, I totally believe in the person’s right to choose. Here’s the conundrum..what if you’re getting married..and you just don’t like cake? Or you have certain health reasons that prohibit you from eating cake? Do you want to spend a good chunk of your wedding budget on something you can’t enjoy? Probably not. So then you’re left with either skipping it all together or coming up with some kind of compromise and that’s exactly what this couple did when they came up with Read More