Blake Shelton
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for August 7, 2011

Whew! Is anyone else dreaming of pumpkin and morning frosts? And jewel toned cakes to replace the summer glaring brightness?
Summer? I am over you. It’s not your fault, Darling. After all, I live in Florida, and I can have a taste of you purt near anytime I want. But the retailers! They’re making me want crisp Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 22, 2011

What a pretty week it has been! While my BPIP (Blog Partner In Pretty), Christen, has been out and about, scouring the best and most delicious treats for the boys out there (HELLO – ice cream groom’s cake! Brill!) I’ve been taking note of all the busy bakers that I have the pleasure to hobnob with. And yesterday evening, I had a real treat, as I got a peak at the Waldorf Astoria Orlando’s wedding salon. Can you say opulence-to-die-for? I’m hoping to have LOTS of pretty pictures and details to share with you about that experience soon! But in the meantime, Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 15, 2011

Spring Showers are bringing May flowers, and I don’t know about where you are, but we’re already hitting the hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer here in the Southeast. Oof, I would like spring back, please.
But no complaints. Hot weather means a slowdown to work, and taking some time off – unless you’re in the wedding industry, that is.
In looking around this week, we’re just astounded at the beauty and talent that surrounds us. There has never, ever been a better time to plan Read More