cake toppers
Cake Topper Thursday: Cake Poms!

**I know I usually do Cake Topper Friday..but these Cake Poms kind of rock my face so hard that they had to be shown on a Thursday**
Cake Poms make me happy. For real.
In particular these Cake Poms make me happy. Perhaps this is from my days as a cheerleader and anything “pom” related makes me want to shake what my momma gave me to old school jams like Achy Break Heart and Down With O.P.P. Highly inappropriate for elementary school girls by the way. These poms aren’t Bulldog Green and White…but they could be if you wanted. Made by Potter and Butler out of Portland, Oregon, these Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Gumpaste Bride and Groom

It always amazes me what cake artists can do with a little gumpaste. Seriously. Have you ever seen that stuff before it’s carved and molded into something like this? It’s not exactly the easiest substance to work with. How it goes from a lump of white stuff to this I’ll never know. I guess that’s why I just write about cakes instead of making them.
But go ahead and check out the new Mr. & Mrs. on top of this gorgeous pink cake. The bride and groom are carved to cartoonish perfection – perfect to add a little bit of fun to the top of your wedding cake. I also love the cake that they sit on Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Marzipan Cherries

I have a confession: by and large, I’m not a big fan of wedding cake toppers. Blame it on my age…but never was I so glad to see an era come to an end, than the one that involved tiny Greek columns and people perched on wedding cakes.
Nowadays, though, we’re seeing all kinds of things atop cakes, from action figures, to bling, back to flowers, forward to bunting, and many, many “humorous” renditions of brides and grooms. (You know the type…the bride dragging Read More
Handmade Bird Cake Toppers

Happy May!
Birds are in right now. Much to my dismay. Those little buggers terrify the crap out of me. The real ones, anyway…not the pretty ones that live on my gorgeous duvet cover.
I stumbled upon these handmade bird cake toppers and Read More