Pink and Yellow Chevron Polka Dot Wedding Cake

I remember that we flirted a little with chevrons last year, and I’m happy to see them representin’ again in 2012.
Isn’t this a darlin’ little cake? I love the sassy little polka dots that bring just the right pop of color, and the ruffly peonies say summer pretty in such a lovely way. Really, are there any prettier flowers for a wedding than flouncy peonies?
The demure size just lends to the charm. We could see this design translated to any number of hot color combinations (teal and chocolate? grey and yellow? blue and green?), and the design would be darling on a cutting cake and matching baby cakes or cupcakes or cake pops – oh my! And Read More
Valentine’s Day Cake Pops

Happy Valentine’s Day!
I love Valentine’s Day..I always have. Even when I was a kid I would always through a Valentine’s Day themed party. I considered it my right since my birthday was in August and my friends were almost always on vacation that week. My birthday parties were usually small..but my Valentine’s Day parties..well they were legendary. They are still spoken about in hushed, reverent tones..
In honor of this day of love you know I was going to bust out a heart shaped SOMETHING didn’t you? Of course I was.
Heart Cake Pops! We’ve talked about Cake-Pops Read More

Aside from Harry Burnett Reese who invented chocolate and peanut butter candy this has to be my favorite merger of two things that you don’t think would go together until..suddenly they do..and all is right with the world. Is it Read More