white flowers wedding cakes
All-White Wedding Cake

We’ve been featuring a lot of very colorful cakes lately, so I thought it would be nice to showcase a cake that was simple and beautiful.
Which brings us to today’s all-white wedding cake.
This ivory tower is a four-tier cake decorated with white chocolate fondant. Yes, that’s right. Even though it’s an all-white wedding cake there’s still chocolate involved!
The white chocolate fondant is elegantly pleated, giving the cake the look of a wedding dress. Read More
Flashback Friday – Chris Lambton and Peyton Wright’s Wedding Cake

What happens when two reality TV stars get rejected on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette? They get married of course, and have a beautiful and simple wedding cake!
When I saw this cake, I admit I had to Google the “celebrities” because even though I'm a fan of ABC's The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, I didn't know who Chris Lambton and Peyton Wright were.
As it is, they were both rejected on national television and are now co-hosts of HGTV's home gardening show, Going Yard. And the happy couple was married on May 5, 2012. Read More
White Summer Wedding Cake

Isn’t this just one of the prettiest things you have ever laid your eyes on?
I fell in love with this cake the MOMENT I saw it. Ethereal, lovely, lady like, gossamer blossoms. What description would you add?
Four layers of stacked cake, absolutely blanketed with lovely white sugar flowers, each with Read More