Chocolate Truffle Wedding Cake

Care for some chocolate? Because I am having a totally chocolate attack. And now, so are you.
Martha strikes again, y’all. Don’t you simply love this? Inspired by the French croquembouche, which is a tower of cream puffs covered with spun sugar, Martha Stewart and Co. came up with this chocolate truffle wedding cake. This is seven layers of cake, coated with chocolate ganache. The hand rolled truffles are then coated in different cocoa powders for slight variation in color, cut in half, then Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for October 30, 2011

I’m sorry. Did you say there is snow on your jack o’ lantern? Sounds like I got back from my picturesque jaunt up north just in time.
I jest, though. Truth is, I’d love to see some of the white stuff, and introduce my kiddoes to it as well. True Florida babies, they’ve never seen snow outside of pictures. But, well, it’s just so darn early. I hope, for the sake of my dear friends who are brushing and scraping their windshields, that the October snow isn’t a harbinger of a particularly Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for October 9, 2011

Run a half marathon to celebrate a certain milestone birthday: Check.
Party like a rockstar for the week after said half marathon, and even eat a donut: Check.
Contemplate a cupcake, but don’t commit, and walk away: Check, check.
Y’all will be happy to know that I successfully participated in (saying that I competed would just Read More
Ganache…the Other Cake Icing.

I had so many giggle-inducing puns that I wanted to use as a title that I just couldn’t decide. Here are just a few:
- Get Your Ganache On
- Oh Ganache…it’s Chocolate!
- Getcha, Getcha Ga-ga–naache (to be sung in your head to the tune of Lady Read More
Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake

Is it fair to say that I have chocolate and raspberries on the brain? You can thank my husband and our loyal Facebook readers for this one!
You may have caught on to the fact that this half of the Cake Diva Duo is a reformed baker. Gone are the days that I stress myself out, worrying about brides and contracts and gravity Read More