tall wedding cakes
Flashback Friday: Marcia Cross and Tom Mahoney’s Wedding Cake

It's Friday again and that means we're heading back in time to check out another fabulous celebrity wedding cake.
This week's cake is a towering creation, but it's also very beautiful and floral.
When actress Marcia Cross (Desperate Housewives) married Tom Mahoney in 2006, she reportedly invited some friends to a cake tasting to help her choose the cake flavors. This is a genius idea, although my husband was more than happy to be part of our cake tasting. Read More
Flashback Friday – Kim Kardashian’s Wedding Cake

It seems like ages since Kim Kardashian married NBA player Kris Humphries in that over-the-top-made-for-TV spectacle way back in August 2011. And while it is sad that the marriage lasted a mere 72 days, we're here to talk about the cake.
The wedding colors were black and white and the cake was a beautiful reflection of that with black frosted layers inserted between the white frosted layers.
The cake itself was six-feet tall, which makes it shorter than an NBA player but taller than his reality TV bride. Read More
Navy Blue Wedding Cake with Pearls

I’m a Pearl Girl, y’all. And my favorite color? That would be blue. So, yes. This is one fantastic cake. Silver and blue and pearls, oh my.
Navy blue fondant. Six tiers of varying height, with a couple of scalloped-edge layers thrown in. And those pearls? I believe those are handmade. Can you even fathom how long those strands took to create? What a classic and preppy cake. Wouldn’t it be so awesome to see the wedding that it went with?
This lovely showstopper Read More
Big Huge Harrod’s Cake

Oh hi, guess what? It’s our 300th post! No big deal right?
Big deal to me! Granted I know I haven’t written all 300 of them myself…we’ve got to give a big shout out to Brooke who takes the weekend shift and creates a great round up…(not to mention fixing all of my grammatical errors)…but to me it’s still a pretty big deal. Basically because I never got past January 13th in my diaries that I swore I’d write in every day on December 31st.
Much like the fact that this is our 300th post, this cake is a BIG deal. I mean literally. Check it out. It’s HUGE. It’s a five-tier Read More
Tall, Pink & Yummy.

This cake reminds me of something that just happened to me recently. A group of my friends from college (who are mostly all single and without kids) all decided to meet up for dinner one night a few months ago. I hadn’t seen most of the girls in ages. I bought a new outfit, washed my hair (a pretty miraculous feat for a working mom) and felt pretty good about myself. Until I showed up and my post-baby body couldn’t even compare to the highlights, Coach Bags and skinny jeans that these girls donned. And they all seemed to be about 6 feet tall. That’s what this cake is. A 6 foot tall blond with highlights and all the right accessories that just makes other cakes feel frumpy in comparison.
I mean really this cake might just be six feet tall. I don’t have my measuring tape handy.
Anyway, this is a gorgeous FIVE tier round wedding cake..there must have been 500 people at this wedding! Decorated in a lovely beige fondant with a gorgeous swirl design covering the cake are a mixture of pretty pink flowers.
If cake’s had a popularity contest this cake would win..and steal your boyfriend.