bright blue wedding cakes
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 13, 2012

Happy Mother’s Day! And if you aren’t a mother, then feel free to wish me a Happy Mother’s Day!
I don’t know what today will hold – I’m heartily hoping for a little pampering, quiet, and possibly a nap – but I’m thankful for my babies, and I’m thankful that I still have my mom with me. I also have a life filled with so many dear sweet women and girlfriends who have been mentors and confidantes. So I’m glad to share this day with them as well.
The busy wedding season is Read More
Orange Spring Tiger Lily Wedding Cake

Once again, The Couture Cakery has captivated me with color.
Jasmine Clouser does everything fantastically – from sweets tables to cakes. And she can create a demure cake with the best of them. However, so many of her cakes that I have fallen in love with have used such breathtaking color that I simply could not pass them up. This is a great example.
I love orange anyway, but to have it paired so beautifully here with bright blue is a real plus. Really, this is just SUCH a beautiful color combination for spring and summer. And Jasmine’s meticulous Read More
Monogrammed Mini Cakes

Once or twice..or who am I really kidding here..about fourteen times I’ve shared my love for all that is monogrammed on AWCB.
So needless to say these adorable blue mini cakes featured here on Seriously? If Cake Pops are the new Cupcakes Read More
I Had a Blue, Blue Wedding Cake

Wow. Blue.
I’ve got to admit. I’m all over this color scheme. It might be a bit much for some..and I can only imagine what my teeth would look like after I chowed down on this bad boy..but it’s kind of amazing. This is a five tier round cake covered in a deep teal fondant and covered in lillies. The twenty-four lilies are actually made from gum paste. That shocked Christen Read More
Oh my ganache!

Does anyone else have the strong desire to just whip out your finger and dig it right into this cake until your knuckle deep in chocolate ganache or is that just me?
This three tiered circle cake is slathered in bittersweet ganache and beautiful blue fondant bands around each tier. The flowers on the top and the side just make the cake pop with color. I have to admit I love the placement of the flowers as well.. kudos to Hana and Posy in Philadelphia, Pa. Now that we have appropriately Read More