summer wedding cakes
Summer in December: Basketweave Strawberry Cake

I’m in a contrary state of mind.
We are about to launch into the week before Christmas, and so, of course, Christen and I both have some delighful, sugar-plummy cakes planned for you. So what better way to cleanse your brain palate than to offer you something completely off the wall today?
Yes. It’s July in December.
I mean, we do the opposite all the time, right? Christmas in July and all that? Well, here’s a look at the summeriest thing I could find: basketweave and strawberries, trimmed with ivy, with Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Sugar Paste Flower Monogram

We’re seeing lots and lots of monograms of late in connection with weddings…and I, for one, am not complaining. I love, love monograms (which, if you knew me, would not surprise you in the least.)
Lately, though, most of the monograms have been in the form of a placard on the side of the cake – a classic detail that I fall in love with all over again everytime I see it. Another option – the swooshy rhinestone jobby on the top of the cake. Sparkles and pretty. Perfection.
But – ever in search of something new and just a little different Read More
Wedding Cake Trends for 2011

So seven months into 2011 I think it’s time we talk trends baby. Cake trends that is. Because let’s face it..I am always behind on clothing trends. I try so hard but oh my goodness how do I love a pony-tail and cardigans..I am so boring that way. However, cake trends? I think I got it.
Since I’ve been blogging about wedding cakes five days a week for the last seven months I have begun to take notice of the good, the awesome, and the coveted of wedding cake designs. There are lots of fun options that you can do with your wedding cake. 2011 has definitely been a wedding season of sweet, pretty, and creative. Here are just a few things that I am digging as we make our way into the last five months of 2011.
Double It Up
The Double Height Tier is probably my favorite trend this year. It’s a pretty simple concept: take a simple three-tier round cake and add height to one of the tiers. It gives the cake height and an asymmetrical quality that takes it from a normal cake to a spectacular one. Traditionally a cake tier is anywhere from 3-4 inches tall. To achieve the double height the baker simply adds Read More
Summertime Cake

Scream it with me…summer…Summer…SUMMER!!!!!!
The ice cream truck has been circling my neighborhood, the kids are out of school, and the weather is just a touch below 100 degrees everyday here in South Carolina. After a long, snowy winter during which I stared at my neighbor’s Christmas decorations from November to the end of FEBRUARY, I welcome the heat. For a little while at least. By July, Read More