Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian’s Wedding Cake

You knew it was coming.
England has Kate Middleton and we have Kim Kardashian. Our forefathers are probably rolling over in their graves on that one. Anyhow, I just so happen to be Kardash-crazy and my heart was all a flutter with the release of this photo from Us Weekly.
Unless you are living under a rock you may have heard that Kim Kardashian married NBA player Kris Humphries over the weekend. Offical pictures have not be released from the Kardashian camp as of yet but of course little teasers Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for August 21, 2011

What an awesome week!
While we’re resting up from some great time with friends and family and making the last of the last few days of summer, we’re still all about the Sweet and Pretty! Here’s what we saw from The World of Wedding this week! But first, The News:
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries made it official yesterday. Like you didn’t know.
How’s this for romantic? The groom surprises the bride with a wedding – and gets all the details right!
Thinking of going green for your nuptials? Here’s how one Kansas Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for July 31, 2011

And so it continues. The hot hotness of summer, I mean.
Vacation is over and school’s looming up before us here (we go back August 15 in these parts. Ugh.) It’s extremely hard to school supply shop when you’d rather be at the beach, yes? Maybe someone needs to make some cute little plaid bikinis with matching cardigan cover ups. And we can have apple tartlets in lieu of, well, you know. So who’s gonna make the kiddoes go back to school if Mama doesn’t want to?
But I digress.
I have an AWESOME visit with my best friend coming up, and more wedding pretty Read More
Kim Kardashian’s Engagement Party Cake

So this wasn’t the post I intended for today but on my daily visit to all my Disney, Wedding Cake and Hollywood Gossip Blogs I saw one common theme. Ms. Kim Kardashian’s Cinderella inspired Engagement Party Cake that was reportedly made by Hansen’s Cakes in Los Angeles. The same bakery that Tori Spelling buys all her cakes from as well. I guess if you are a reality television star you buy your cakes here. The edible part of this cake is the hill with the castle topper. I have a love of all things Disney. Especially Cinderella. I would love to see a Cinderella wedding done Kim Kardashian style. Wouldn’t you?
According to her sister Khloe (who posted the picture of her gorgeous cake on her blog) the family gathered together for a “normal family dinner” and Kim walked in and announced her engagement. I know all of my “normal family dinners” include live ponies. Don’t yours?
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for June 5, 2011

Summer may not be here on the calendar, but can’t we go ahead and declare it the season of fun, of parties, of laid-backness? With a Memorial Day celebration (and a birthday thrown in for good measure) that spanned the weekend, I am officially in summer holiday mode.
So how will you celebrate Read More