winter themed cakes
Kissing Snow People Wedding Cake Topper

The weather outside is (getting) frightful – at least in the northern half of the country, so this kissing snow people wedding cake topper seems like the perfect item for a cold and blustery winter day.
This cute and frosty couple would be perfect on top of your lovely white wedding cake. They'll fit right in to your winter-themed wedding and as an added bonus, they're also salt and pepper shakers. Read More
Snowman Couple Wedding Cake

After sweltering and nearly melting in last week's heat wave, I had to find a cake that made me think of cooler temps, and this super cute Snowman Couple cake is it!
I love the simplicity of the cake itself – just white frosting and some gorgeous snowflakes accented with red berries which make the whole cake just pop!
But what really made me smile were the adorable snow people standing atop the snowy white cake. Seriously – how cute are they, dressed in their snowperson wedding best? Who knew Frosty could be so handsome? Read More
New Year’s Cake..sort of.

So I’m wrapping up Christmas Cake Week 2011 today with this very non-Christmas cake. I know what you must be thinking. This cake has nothing to do with Christmas..Winter or even really New Years. I’m thinking a little outside of the box here so just roll with it. Focusing on the new year is all about time. Minutes, days and months pass and then a new year begins. I could get all existential here and Read More
Silver Pinecone Wedding Cake

I’m not going to lie. The day I figured out that spray paint + pine cones = amazing winter accessories for my house I kind of went nuts. When I figured out that I already owned silver and gold spray paint AND my backyard was littered with pine cones so in essence this DIY decoration was free…I kind of flipped out.
I’m sure these pine cones aren’t exactly spray painted (something about that seems incredibly unsafe to be near your edibles) but they are a gorgeous silver on top of an ice Read More
Winter Pine Tree Cakes

So maybe my local radio station stopped playing Christmas Carols at approximately 8 p.m. last night. I, however, am still brimming with Christmas Spirit from head to toe. So that combined with the plethora of gorgeous winter wedding cakes abound I’ve decided to continue Christmas Cake Week 2011 (CCW11 for those “in the know”). Although, this week we’ll try and focus on more Winter themed cakes Read More
Winter Wonderland Wedding Cake

Early this week I featured this Holly Cake from The Pink Cake Box and I promised there would be more treats from The Pink Cake Box during CCW11!
I told you about a dream I had once. For a winter wedding that included a white horse drawn carriage, (faux) fur muffs and shaw, and white gloves up to my elbows. The problem with this dream December wedding? South Carolina can be a little persnickety with the whole winter weather situation. Like today. It’s 76 degrees. Last Christmas it snowed.
Anyway, had I gotten to make my winter wonderland dream a reality, this Read More
Reindeer Wedding Cake

Somehow Christmas Week is upon us. I seriously am not sure how though. It seems like I was just sweating my baguettes off every time I walked outside…but apparently six months have passed since then. Although, it was 79 degrees on Friday. What’s up with that, weather gods?
Anyway. It’s Christmas Week and I am off for the next two weeks and since Christmas has come out of nowhere I have to cram all my Christmas spirit into the next six days. So I officially title this week Christmas Cake Week 2011! And because Read More