Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round Up for May 6, 2012

Here we go! Hold onto your fascinators! It’s wedding season, y’all!
From now until Thanksgiving, my pastry and wedding planner friends will be cranking out beautiful creations and events, with so much originality and “omigosh that is so awesome and gorgeous!” that we’ll hardly be able to stand it! How many weddings will you be attending this spring, summer, and fall? Our calendar is FULL!
While we are super looking forward to Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for July 31, 2011

And so it continues. The hot hotness of summer, I mean.
Vacation is over and school’s looming up before us here (we go back August 15 in these parts. Ugh.) It’s extremely hard to school supply shop when you’d rather be at the beach, yes? Maybe someone needs to make some cute little plaid bikinis with matching cardigan cover ups. And we can have apple tartlets in lieu of, well, you know. So who’s gonna make the kiddoes go back to school if Mama doesn’t want to?
But I digress.
I have an AWESOME visit with my best friend coming up, and more wedding pretty Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for July 24, 2011

So…how are you keeping cool during this scorcher of a summer? We’re fanning and heading to the beach and drinking plenty of iced tea. And while summer is scorching the rest of you, it’s just plain ole’ normal hot here in Florida.
But the heat hasn’t stopped the deliciousness that is a summer full of weddings. We’ve seen some Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 15, 2011

Spring Showers are bringing May flowers, and I don’t know about where you are, but we’re already hitting the hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer here in the Southeast. Oof, I would like spring back, please.
But no complaints. Hot weather means a slowdown to work, and taking some time off – unless you’re in the wedding industry, that is.
In looking around this week, we’re just astounded at the beauty and talent that surrounds us. There has never, ever been a better time to plan Read More