whoopie pies
Whimsical Wedding Cake

OK, here we are. In the middle of January. It’s cold and snowy and we need something to cheer us up!
Well I’m happy to report that I found something – this wedding cake!
How can you not smile when you look at this fun and whimsical wedding cake? It is decorated with whoopie pies for crying out loud.
Whoopie pies. On a wedding cake. My day is complete. Read More
Wedding Cake Alternative: Heart Whoopie Pies

You know that as much as we love cake ’round here, we’re willing to embrace sweets and treats (and the occasional savory indulgence) in all different forms. And so today, in honor of this being Valentine’s Week, we give you…Heart Shaped Whoopie Pies.
Now, I don’t know for sure, but Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for February 5, 2012

Welcome to February, y’all!
I hear that the groundhog saw his shadow (is that the one where there’s more winter?) I’m seeing a lot of declarations that it’s all good…if it’s more winter like this, then who cares? But as a storm blankets the West today, I’m still super duper glad that I call the Southeast Read More