beach wedding cakes
Nautical Love Wedding Cake

A couple of months ago, I talked about the fabulous Cakes By Beth and her equally fabulous 2012 Cake Collection. I promised more gorgeousness from Beth, didn’t I? Well, today is the day, Cake Fans!
While I absolutely ADORED Beth’s Gothic Roses and Birdcage Cake (especially right in the middle of Downton Abbey Fever hitting us here in the States in FULL force), I really, really fell in love with this Nautical Love Wedding Cake immediately. Oh, and I can tell you exactly why, no doubt. If you’ve spent anytime here on A Wedding Cake Blog, you’ve figured out that I am a Florida girl, and lover of all things beachy and water-related. My happy place is staring out at the Big Blue Ocean. I would SUPER be that bride with seashells adorning her wedding invitations (in fact, I was.) So my love for this cake was instantaneous. Love at first sight. That Beth used my favorite color – blue – and lots of shades of it, with awesomeness STRIPES and a very cool rope motif…well, it was icing on the cake. (I had to. I had to go there.)
And one of my favorite things about the collection? Every cake had corresponding cookies or cupcakes, which demonstrate an extension of each theme brilliantly. I love LOVE the marbelized heart!
Learn more about Beth, her fascinating background, and her lovely cakes by visiting her website.
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for January 22, 2012

Happy…hmmm…well…let me think about it…Sunday! Happy Sunday, Everyone!
Oh, but we have entered into that part of winter when winter is no longer enchanting. (Well. I assume. I mean, I live in Florida, and I’m going to the beach today. Hate me if you must.) But really, I remember this time of year when I lived up north. Christmas is over. Spring seems far, far, far, far… Thanks be to God for Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, and St. Patty’s, or we’d all go stark raving mad, I’m afraid.
Speaking of such things, I love all the little holidays. Isn’t it just so awesome that in life, there just always seems to be something to celebrate Read More
Beach Wedding Cake

Isn’t this always how it goes.
In August I was tired of sweat behind my knees 14 hours a day and ready for the cool breeze of fall. By the time November rolled around I was ready for Thanksgiving to be finished so that I could kick off the Christmas season. Now that it’s January and the days. seem. to. take. forever. I can’t wait until it’s beach season.
Yes, I did skip right over spring because that’s what South Carolina does. 50 degrees and gloomy one day…75 and gorgeous the next.
Here it is in January. MLK Holiday has passed and minus a teacher work day or two I am in that awful Jan/Feb/March OH MY Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for August 21, 2011

What an awesome week!
While we’re resting up from some great time with friends and family and making the last of the last few days of summer, we’re still all about the Sweet and Pretty! Here’s what we saw from The World of Wedding this week! But first, The News:
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries made it official yesterday. Like you didn’t know.
How’s this for romantic? The groom surprises the bride with a wedding – and gets all the details right!
Thinking of going green for your nuptials? Here’s how one Kansas Read More
Beach Cupcake Perfection

I am in love. I am in love with a group of cupcakes.
Y’all know that I’m a beachy kinda girl, n’est pas? I mean, give me two spare hours and see if you’ll catch me ANYWHERE else. I will be under the umbrella, swimsuit on, iPod tuned to something mellow, watching the tide ebb and flow.
So it should come as no surprise that I instantly fell in love with this aDORable Read More