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Bride and Groom Cake Toppers


Cake Topper Friday: Sweet Western Waltz Couple

cowboy cake topper

Are you marrying a cowboy?  Then you most certainly need this sweet western waltz cake topper.

Sure, being romanced by a cowboy is something right out of a Harlequin novel in my world.  But it happens!  I see a lot of lovely wedding pics from all kinds of places in my line of work, and some of the most moving are the ones that feature big ole hats on the fellas and beautiful boots under those demure skirts.

Wouldn’t this Read More


Cake Topper Friday: Motorcycle Wedding Cake Topper

Motorcycle Wedding Cake Topper

So I’ve actually never been on the back of a motorcycle.  Or the front of one, for that matter.  I think they’re crazy dangerous and they scare me.  But I still fantasize about being on one. :-)

So I love this bride and groom on a motorcycle cake topper.  About as much as I love the whole Read More


Cake Topper Friday: Soccer-Loving Bride and Fishing-Loving Groom Custom Cake Toppers

Custom Bride and Groom Cake Topper

Whew! That title was a mouth full, eh?  Well, what, pray tell, would you have called it?

This adorable custom cake topper comes from our good friend Beth Mottershead of Cakes by Beth in Manchester, England.  I actually featured their cake, this beautiful Blue Squares Geometric Wedding Cake, a while back, but the sweet little figures that top the cake are so special that I thought they deserved their own space on the blog.

Aren’t they cute?  The couple had a fun side, and so Beth decided to fashion Read More


Cake Topper Friday: Picture Perfect Couple

Picture Perfect Bride and Groom Cake Topper

I have friends who are just plain beautiful. And then they got married and had a baby, and now there is another beautiful person roaming the earth.  Thanks, Mike and Carrie!

My point?  Well, they had a family portrait taken that looks a lot like our cake topper couple, and everytime I see this cute look, I think of them.  It’s as though they said, “Yes, we’re beautiful.  It’s not that we’re arrogant or anything…it is what it is.  And so we thought we would share with you.”

And this couple seems to be saying the same thing.  Will you look your Read More


Cake Topper Friday: Dancing Bride and Groom

Dancing Couple Cake Topper

So I know that I’ve proselytized about this before, but I am not a big fan of wedding cake toppers where one party is dragging the other to the altar, or shackling them in some way.  I just don’t find it funny to intimate that marriage is unsavory.  Stodgy and stick-in-the-mud of me?  Perhaps.  But if you don’t want to do it, then why are you there?

I love sweet or funny toppers, though.  And this one definitely qualifies as the former.  A couple dancing, with eyes only for each other, in a darling, tender, saucy little pose. It’s Read More


Cake Topper Friday: Football Toting Couple

Football Couple Wedding Cake Topper


Will your wedding reception feature a pick up game of touch football?  Not so much?  Do you wish it did?

Even if your über expensive gown and shoes (and makeup and hair and nails) don’t lend themselves to grass stains and sweat, you can fantasize about playing football with your new life partner with this adorable Football Toting Couple Cake Topper from Weddingstar.

I mean…how fun is this, anyway?  I love this idea of the couple who plays together.  Because you can’t play together without Read More


Cake Topper Friday: Baseball Bride and Groom Cake Topper

Baseball Cake Topper

As American as Mom, Baseball, and Apple Pie! Going into the week during which we celebrate the 4th of July, I am lovin’ this adorable cake topper, featuring the groom on the pitcher’s mound and the bride at bat.  ‘Cause I totally think the couple that plays together stays together.

Can’t you just see this on a summertime wedding cake?  For that couple that we all know where they are BOTH Read More


Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for June 3, 2012


Heya Hiya! How’s your weekend going? Mine is super fantabulous.

We have officially started summer here in our household (I know what the calendar says. Whatevs.) With no more schoolwork, and the beach beckoning (not to mention that fab-o hammock) it’s hard to act like it isn’t the Second Most Wonderful Time of the Year. So onto picnics and lazy days and flower picking. Yes please.

Before we wax all Read More


Cake Topper Friday: Rainy Wedding Day Topper

rainy wedding day cake topper

Take it from a former bride who went a weensy bit control freak on her wedding party:  learn to roll with the punches NOW.  Because something WILL go wrong on your big day.

And it should, you know?  I mean, life isn’t perfect.  And learning to deal with an imperfect life will only make you a FAR more pleasant life partner to that cute guy (or girl) that you’re calling Shnookums these days.

I don’t know if Read More


Cake Topper Friday: Bride in the Cake!

bride in the cake cake topper

Disclaimer: This post is in no way encouraging you to go have a feeding tube inserted, my dear, beautiful bride. For you are gorgeous in your bridal blush, no matter what your dress size is.

But this was so crazy cute that I seriously had to show you.  All!

If cake topper bride and grooms had thought processes, don’t you think this fear has crossed their minds?  “Oh no!  You want me to stand WHERE?  On top of a CAKE?  What if Read More