Unconventional Wedding Cakes
In today’s wedding world, it seems that most wedding cakes are unconventional. It’s almost unconventional to have a white on white wedding cake! But in an unconventional wedding cake might refer to the design, the topper, or the flavors featured. Regarding design, one popular unconventional style today is the topsy turvy, asymmetrical design. Stacked cake layers give the illusion that the cake could spill over any minute, when in fact, the cake is balanced and level. Unconventional toppers are another way that a couple may make their cake unique. The couple who loves Angry Birds, for instance, can feature the adorable characters perched atop their cake. Can’t last a minute without your cell phone? There’s a wedding topper for that, too. Prefer Goth to Victorian? No problem. A talented baker can help you realize your dream cake. But you might opt for traditional design and toppers, and still find ways to be unconventional with flavors – even savory alternatives to wedding cakes, like “cakes” made of wheels of cheese, or layers of savory meet pies, might stand in for a conventional cake. So, express yourselves! In cake! And send us pictures.
Naked Chocolate Wedding Cake

Right now it is full-on strawberry season here in the Midwest. It’s actually a rather short season as “fruit seasons” go, but we take full advantage of it, enjoying all things strawberry for a few wonderful weeks.
And one of my favorite things has to be chocolate-covered strawberries. There’s just something so decadent about that combination.
Which is probably why I’m loving today’s cake. Read More
Sprinkle Wedding Cake

And it’s time for another sprinkle wedding cake! I can’t help myself – I’m totally in LOVE with these cakes.
I can’t explain my obsession with wedding cakes adorned with sprinkles. They’re just so fun and whimsical yet still with an air of elegance.
And I’m in love with today’s cake thanks to the subtle yet colorful cascade of jewel-toned confetti sprinkles and the golden ‘LOVE’ cake topper. Read More
Wedding Cake with Garden Flowers

I love this time of early summer – a couple weeks after all the flowers have been planted, when they’re still bright and blooming.
My backyard looks like a flower shop with pots and containers full of pink and purple blooms.
Which brings me to today’s wedding cake – a lovely two-tier confection topped with fresh garden flowers. Read More
Carnival Wedding Cake

If there’s one thing I really love to see when it comes to wedding cakes it’s a cake that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
After all, your wedding day should be filled with fun and smiles so why not add a touch of whimsy to the cake table?
Take today’s cake as a perfect example – it has a fun carnival theme and a super cute cake topper to boot! Read More
Naked Chocolate Wedding Cake

OK, I’ve been featuring a lot of naked wedding cakes lately – which is odd since I’m a frosting lover.
But today’s cake is THE naked cake of the season so far.
First, it’s chocolate! And second, there’s a cascade of chocolate glaze on top of the cake that takes it to another level entirely.
Oh. My. Chocolate. Read More
Naked Wedding Cake for Summer

I made a trip to a local greenhouse over the weekend to purchase my summer flowers.
And while picking out my blooms, I spied the strawberry fields next door which got me thinking about that sweet summer fruit.
Around here, strawberries hit their peak in mid-June or so, which means I’ll have a chance to enjoy some very, very soon!
But for now I’ll have to be happy with today’s wedding cake – which is adorned with bright red strawberries! Read More
Pink Sprinkle Wedding Cake

I really can’t get enough of wedding cakes with sprinkles!
They’re just so darn whimsical and fun.
Today’s cake is particularly gorgeous with its light pink icing and just one tier decked out in colorful sprinkles. It really make the whole cake just pop!
The addition of a pretty pink bloom is the perfect enhancement – it adds some elegance to the cake but still keeps it fun. Read More
Simple Wedding Cake with Roses

Naked wedding cakes are one of those wedding cake trends that I’m not sure I can fully support.
I mean, c’mon. These cakes are seriously lacking in one very important ingredient – FROSTING! But, as the saying goes, it’s what in the inside that counts.
And if you’re going to go with a naked wedding cake for your reception just make sure it has a lot of icing inside. Then I’ll be OK with it. Read More
One-Tier Metallic Wedding Cake

It’s been established that I’m totally in love with the sprinkle wedding cake theme right now.
Which is really kind of weird because in reality I don’t like sprinkles on cake or cookies (or ice cream). But I love how they look on a wedding cake.
I think it has to do with the “whimsical factor” that sprinkles add to a wedding cake. Because we all know how boring some wedding cake can be. Read More
White Wedding Cake with Blue Flowers

Lately I’ve been daydreaming about the beach. A lot.
This is likely due to the fact that very soon I’ll be lounging on a beach in the Caribbean without a care in the world.
But it also got me thinking about beach-themed wedding cakes since it is the perfect time of year for a beach wedding.
And then I found this cake and fell in love. Read More