elegant wedding cakes
Wedding Cake with Peach Roses

Sometimes all you need for a gorgeous wedding cake is a simple white cake topped with pretty flowers.
Like this cake.
It’s so simple and so pretty and I would love to see this at a summer wedding.
I love wedding cakes with fresh flowers – it’s such an easy and elegant way to add something special to your cake.
And you can personalize it by incorporating the flowers from your bouquet or what your bridesmaids are carrying. Read More
Wedding Cake with Licorice

Truth be told, I’m not a fan of black licorice. If I had to eat licorice I would choose the red (strawberry or cherry flavored) kind.
But, I am a fan of black and white wedding cakes, so this cake embellished with black licorice is a new favorite. (Plus, I could totally not eat the licorice if I had this cake served to me!)
This cake is stunning in its simple elegance – it’s just a stark white wedding cake adorned with black rope licorice and black polka dots created with royal icing. Read More
White Wedding Cake with Purple Flowers

I am a huge fan of all things purple. I think the color is vibrant and cheerful and it’s also the color of royalty according to some sources, so it has that going for it.
But as much as I love purple I had not found many cakes featuring the color until now.
And I have to tell you, I’m loving this cake and its understated elegance.
The cake itself is simple and pretty with the square tiers (such a fan of this shape!) and smooth white icing. But the ribbon around each tier takes the cake to another level of beauty, adding to the clean lines of the design. Read More
Wedding Cake with Cascading Flowers

As we’re heading into the week of celebrating all things love and Valentine’s Day, I wanted to share a cake with you that was so romantic it would make you swoon on the spot.
I’m pretty sure this is the cake.
This gorgeous four-tier creation is from Hockleys Cakes in the United Kingdom and they call it the “Blenheim Cake.”
This cake is all about romance and flowers and love, and I adore everything about it.
I love the square tiers on this cake – I’m a big fan of non-traditional shapes when it comes to wedding cakes. (This should come as no surprise, since my wedding cake featured eight heart-shaped tiers!) I think the square tiers give it a nice, modern contemporary feel.
The gorgeous and simple white icing with the pearls around each tier give this cake a dramatic and modern look.
But what I love most is the cascade of flowers down the side of the cake. The bride wanted the flowers to replicate her bouquet – which is a genius idea in my book! Hockleys created these flowers with hand crafted white, pink, and violet sugar roses and other dainty buds.
It’s incredibly romantic, don’t you think?
A big thanks to Hockleys Cakes for sharing this creation with us!
Photo courtesy of Hockleys Cakes.
Blue Damask Wedding Cake

There is something to be said for an elegant wedding cake. And this damask wedding cake is both elegant and beautiful.
We’ve featured damask cakes here before and each time we do the cake is so incredibly gorgeous that it’s almost too pretty to eat.
I love the color combination on this cake more than anything – it’s what drew me to the cake, more so than the damask scrollwork.The blue and brown work so well together and they’re perfect colors for a late fall or early winter wedding. And with a blue cake, you’ll have your “something blue.” Read More
Blue and Yellow Flower Cake with Plumeria

Sometimes it's the simple and elegant cakes that really grab your attention. Case in point – this beauty.
There is much to love about this cake, starting with the Read More
Macaron Wedding Cake — In Paris!

I don’t think that I’ve mentioned in the last five minutes how much I love Paris.
The hubs and I honeymooned there. Sounds like a no brainer, right? Honeymoon in the City of Love (or Lights, if you prefer.) But it actually wasn’t our first choice.
We wanted something domestic – in North America more or less – so we didn’t have to hassle with passports and the like. But as we researched, we kept finding super affordable flights to Europe (ah, the good ole, pre-9/11 days…) — until suddenly, we looked at each other, and Read More
Pearl Encrusted Wedding Cake with Monogram

Oh. My. Pearls.
On the heels of Julia Child’s 100th birthday last week, I’ve been in love all over again with pearls. They are ALWAYS my first choice, the thing I gravitate towards in the case. And so, it should come as NO surprise that I loved the cake the instant I saw it.
It’s just so perfect. And there’s something about that many sugar pearls on a cake that seems so, well, elegantly decadent. That Jenniffer from Cup a Dee Cakes paired the pearls with a Read More
White Monogrammed Cake With Single Initial

It’s well documented: I love white wedding cakes, and I love monograms.
I think it takes a special baker to make something truly original out of the sea of white wedding cakes that I view everyday. So when I spy something out of the norm, I really like to share it with you.
This is so pretty, don’t you think? In an austere, regal, slightly stand offish and reserved kinda way. This cake doesn’t associate with the other cakes. This lovely creation is reserved for Read More
Fondant and Applique White on White Square Monogram Wedding Cake

I love when I find a classic technique or concept, with a totally unique twist.
It’s well documented that, even if bakers get sick and tired of white-on-white-on-white cakes, I am a big fan of them. I just think a cake that doesn’t use a lot of fireworks, or bells and whistles, but just stands there, with dignity, in white simplicity, is perfection. I think few cakes showcase a cake artist’s talent and creativity better than what they do with a white on white palette.
This fondant cake is a beauty. While I’d be extra bowled over if those white designs were hand-piped – they appear to be Read More