All wrapped up in bows..

I love presents. I think most women do, yes?
What do I love more than presents? Edible presents! Maybe that was not then intended inspiration for this cake..but I think it suits it perfectly! This is a traditional three tiered round cake. The layers alternate between gorgeous fondant stripes and polka dots. On top is a gorgeous bow that would make Martha and all her pretty bow making glory envious. Seriously..I am the girl who has to buy pre-made bows at Christmas..because a). Who has time to make their own bows? and b). Even if I tried they’d never look that good. So the fact that this bow is made out of fondant..well that knocks my socks right off my feet! Polka dots are always such a tricky decoration to master as well. The spacing between this dots is perfect..this calls for a baker to have a very steady hand!
This cake was made by Dianna Tornow of Your Kind of Cakes in Aiken, SC. I have actually been to a wedding with a Dianna Tornow cake before..they taste just as good as they look!
Photo provided by Matt Brodie from Brodiefoto.
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for February 27, 2011

Can you feel it? That crackle of excitement in the air. Any minute, that first crocus is going to burst forth through the snow. Any day now, that first jonquil will peep its sunny little head skyward.
Maybe it’s the anticipation of a Royal Wedding. Maybe it’s a touch of premature spring fever. Read More
The ‘Oh! But February Is Not Over Yet!’ Cake

Celebrate your love – with gummies! Yes!
How did I miss this cake on Valentine’s Day? Well, we’ll excuse me, and claim poetic license – or what have you – and say that we can still celebrate Valentine’s Day, because it’s still February.
Look at this cake! Will you just look at it? Resplendent with Read More
All You Need is Love: Heart Fondant Wedding Cake

True story: I have been to a lot of weddings. I was in a sorority, and during my four years at college I was close friends with at least 40 different girls at different times. This leads to a lot of weddings. I have seen a LOT of wedding cakes. I have seen subtle, pretty ones; gorgeous, large fondant masterpieces; and cakes that…quiet honestly…look like someone’s momma made them the night before the wedding. Those don’t look Read More
Baseball Grooms Cake

My husband really loves baseball. In a throw down featuring Christen vs. The Atlanta Braves, I am not sure who would win. With the Braves’ first Spring Game with their new coach Alan Butts at the reigns coming up, my husband has been counting the minutes this week.
So in honor of baseball fans everywhere..I bring you..the Baseball Grooms Cake! I actually don’t know if the bride and groom who own this cake are Braves fans, but I like to think so since the colors are blue and red. I like how this is a simple, two tiered square cake topped with a baseball. The ball is Read More
On the Wings of Love — A Tattoo Wedding Cake

Do you remember the not-so-long ago season of The Bachelor featuring Jake Pavelka? You know..that awfully good old boy from Texas who swooned us all with his “yes ma’ams”, dashing good looks and a killer smile? I remember this because I spent the entire season SCREAMING at the television because homeboy made all the wrong choices when it came to women and the ended up picking, like, the WORST woman in the house.
Then come to find out less than a year later it’s actually Read More
Kate and William: The Royal Wedding

I have a secret to admit.
I am obsessed with the upcoming royal wedding for a lot of reasons. I love Kate her doppelganger (albeit she is way skinnier and much better dressed than I..but that Doppelganger week on Facebook I was totally her..) Mostly I am obsessed because I know that this wedding is going to set the tone for so many weddings in the next few years. Every girl dreams of being a princess on her wedding day..but becoming an ACTUAL princess on your wedding kind of takes my breath away.
With all the chatter of the upcoming wedding I wanted to do some research on the LAST big royal wedding. Read More!

We all have Regardless if you are a lawyer, teacher, or blogger…the same thing is true..if you LOVE your sort of become your job. So what is a fun loving movie advertising couple who also happens to love action flicks to do? Well..make an action packed cake that is!
This couple decided their wedding needed a little bit of extra Hollywood flare so they spiced it up by created a movie poster Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for February 20, 2011

Greetings, Cake Lovers! I trust that your Valentine’s Day was all that you hoped it would be and more. Around here, we’re desperately looking forward to spring and all that beautiful warm weather. It’s even distracting us a little, we confess… Read More

On the one hand, I am clearly not over Valentine’s Day with its flowers, and sugar, and pretty. On the other hand… Read More