Naked Chocolate Wedding Cake

I have a confession to make – I love Oreo cookies.
Which is probably why I had to choose today’s wedding cake to showcase. It looks like a stack of Oreos. OK, well it looks like a stack of Oreos to me.
I’ll also confess that I’m not a huge fan of naked wedding cakes. I’m too much of a frosting fan to purposely eat a cake that lacks frosting.
However, this naked dark chocolate cake is really stunning because of its lack of frosting. The white icing peeking out between the tiers adds just the right amount of drama to this cake. Read More
Fun Wedding Favor – Snowflake Bookmarks

Despite the fact that I own two different tablets I still like to read books in their traditional format – a real book.
And I’m always searching for a bookmark that isn’t a sticky note or one of those magazine subscription postcards.
This is why I love today’s wedding favor – it’s a cute and very functional gift that your book-loving guests will appreciate. Read More
Black and Gold Wedding Cake

Sometimes when looking for wedding cakes to showcase I run across a cake that makes me go “hmmm” and “wow!” at the same time.
Today’s cake is that cake.
I’ll admit I never thought about having a black wedding cake when I was planning my wedding all those years ago. But I can see how it would work when looking at today’s cake. Read More
Fun Wedding Favor – Personalized Notebooks

As we get closer to the holiday season – where making lists is essential – I found a great wedding favor that is super useful and fun!
Your guests will love these personalized notebooks, especially if they’re tucked into a cute welcome bag for out-of-town guests.
These notebooks would also be a lot of fun for kids – if your reception is going to be kid-friendly. Each kid guest could get a notebook and some crayons and they’ll be entertained for hours. Read More
Dark Wedding Cake

Fall and winter are the perfect time of year to think about a non-traditional wedding cake.
I’m talking about a cake that isn’t topped with white icing – a dark wedding cake.
Today’s cake would be the perfect late-fall or winter cake with its dark icing and fall fruit embellishments.
It’s not often that you think about a dark color of icing for your wedding cake color but this cake would absolutely work if you have bright fall colors as part of your wedding color scheme. Read More
Fun Wedding Favors – Popcorn

This week’s fun wedding favor is ideal for couples who are hosting a group of out-of-town guests!
These personalized bags of microwave popcorn would be the perfect addition to a care package.
You could create care packages for each of the out-of-town guests and include items such as bottled water, hand sanitizer, and of course treats just like this microwave popcorn!
Of course if you’re having a smaller reception and everyone is from the same area you could always put the packages of popcorn in cute baskets at the reception and encourage guests to take one or two on their way out.
The bags can be personalized with a wraparound label of your choice – you get to choose the color and what the label says.
You’ll find these personalized bags of popcorn here.
One-Tier Pink and White Wedding Cake

I really like the idea of having a separate centerpiece cake just for the bride and groom to cut and enjoy.
And then you can have other small cakes for the guests or a dessert bar. Something different and a bit out of the ordinary.
Today’s cake would be ideal for that concept.
This single tier cake is perfect for the new couple – you could even have it at the “head” table and then set up other cakes and desserts elsewhere. Read More
Porcelain Owl Cake Topper

It seems that wedding cake toppers are not always the “in” thing when one is looking at wedding cakes on a daily basis.
Most of the time you’ll see cakes with fresh flowers as the topper or nothing at all perched on top of the cake.
But I’m a traditionalist when it comes to wedding cakes (also known as “old fashioned”) and I love a good wedding cake topper. Read More