Rose Wedding Cake

Sure..have your wedding cake, your chocolate cake, cream puffs, strawberry cake, cheesecake and …pumpkin pie? And eat it too.
I’m not sure if I have ever seen this many desserts at one wedding…but…you know…why not? Desserts are kind of amazing yes? The highlight of this dessert table is of course the three-tiered white wedding cake adorned with deep red roses. The cake is a traditional three tiered round cake covered with Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for October 9, 2011

Run a half marathon to celebrate a certain milestone birthday: Check.
Party like a rockstar for the week after said half marathon, and even eat a donut: Check.
Contemplate a cupcake, but don’t commit, and walk away: Check, check.
Y’all will be happy to know that I successfully participated in (saying that I competed would just Read More
Flower Power Cupcake Tower

Like I could resist that much rhymability when we’re talking about something this. So. Darn. Adorable.
I don’t know what in the world it’s doing where you are, but here, it’s raining raining raining. And while I’m not complaining – exactly – it’s always nice to see something like this, something Read More
Sixlet Cake

Here are things I like in no particular order:
1. Cake
2. Chocolate Covered Candy
3. Cakes covered in Chocolate Covered Candy
Oh my…have my dreams come true? Yes, yes I think they have. Oh wait a second…is that a double…no, triple height tier? Yes, yes I think it is. I’m kind of amazed. While this cake truly screams BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I think with a change up in Sixlet colors and sprinkles this could make an awesome wedding cake. I have to admit I wasn’t sure what Sixlets were exactly but according to Heather at Sprinkle Bakes they are basically round M&M’s that come in a bunch of fun colors. I also can’t imagine the steady hand that put all those Read More
Cake Topper Thursday: Cake Poms!

**I know I usually do Cake Topper Friday..but these Cake Poms kind of rock my face so hard that they had to be shown on a Thursday**
Cake Poms make me happy. For real.
In particular these Cake Poms make me happy. Perhaps this is from my days as a cheerleader and anything “pom” related makes me want to shake what my momma gave me to old school jams like Achy Break Heart and Down With O.P.P. Highly inappropriate for elementary school girls by the way. These poms aren’t Bulldog Green and White…but they could be if you wanted. Made by Potter and Butler out of Portland, Oregon, these Read More
Peacock Cupcake

This is one of the the fanciest cupcake that I have ever laid my eyes upon. I can’t even imagine the work that went into this. The amount of time it would take to make a slew of these for a wedding might be a little bit insane…however, I could totally see it as a big cupcake for the top of a cupcake tower…can’t you? Or maybe even a few of these peacock cupcakes amongst a bunch of teal cupcakes, like the one that makes up the body.
Either way I found this cupcake on Pinterest and I knew it must be blogged about. The Read More
Mickey Mouse Cupcakes

In case you didn’t know Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom Park celebrated its 40th birthday on Saturday, October 1st. It’s no secret that we kind of sort of LOVE Disney World around here. While I couldn’t be there to celebrate I sat at home and threw dirty looks in the direction of all the tweets I was reading from friends who were visiting the parks that day. I decided to honor the most magical place on earth in my own little way… Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for October 2, 2011

SERIOUSLY. Where did the year go and how is it October??
I know that’s goofily unoriginal. But when I typed that title just now, I was all, like…whoa. And I’m not a like whoa kinda girl.
This has been a fantastic year for us here at A Wedding Cake Blog…and we’re just getting started! In a little under a year, we’ve met such warm and generous people in the World of Wedding. We’re regularly blown away Read More