british wedding cakes
Purple Rosette Wedding Cake

I just love this little cake! It's a study in contrasts and uniformity all at once. The smooth bottom layer and the flamboyant top one – brought together by a monochromatic color scheme. And while the bottom layer is a regular height, the top is exaggerated. And don't you love the color of the icing? Clearly, it's fruit-based, not food-coloring based…love LOVE!
I adore a tiny cake. It Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for September 30, 2012

Hello, hello! How are you this very fine Sunday? I’m swell, and happy that it’s the weekend.
How is the weather in your neck of the woods? Cool and crisp? Well…lucky YOU. ‘Cause we are totally sweltering here in the southeast. It happens this way every year, but it’s always so tiring…watching everyone else’s mercury plummet while ours holds steady. But in just a few weeks, it will be the dry season…or what we call in Florida…bliss.
Isn’t this just the BEST time for weddings, though? Rich foods, rich colors, and that excitement that just Read More
White Feathers Wedding Cake

Some days I like my job, and somedays, I really love it.
What makes the difference? Usually, it’s interacting with the fun, friendly, vibrant community of bakers from all over the world that I’m getting to know through my work here on A Wedding Cake Blog. Seriously, y’all. I never would have dreamed 10 years ago that I would be chatting with gifted bakers from England and Australia. Thank you, social media!
I asked for opinions on cakes that feature feathers a couple of weeks back, and Read More
Teacup Wedding Cake

Darlings…we have a new entry in the quest for Brooke’s cake heart.
I am a passionate follower of afternoon tea, and I love anything to do with tea time and its rituals. So when Marianne Kuhn of Dazzlelicious Cakes in Plymouth, England, introduced herself to me on Facebook recently, and I was so glad she did! Because I instantly fell in love with her cakes, and this one currently has the top place with me. From Marianne, I learned some delightful details about the cake. The couple wanted only a small cake, but loved Marianne’s flavors so much that they ended up asking for four tiers! They wanted to incorporate Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 13, 2012

Happy Mother’s Day! And if you aren’t a mother, then feel free to wish me a Happy Mother’s Day!
I don’t know what today will hold – I’m heartily hoping for a little pampering, quiet, and possibly a nap – but I’m thankful for my babies, and I’m thankful that I still have my mom with me. I also have a life filled with so many dear sweet women and girlfriends who have been mentors and confidantes. So I’m glad to share this day with them as well.
The busy wedding season is Read More
Nautical Love Wedding Cake

A couple of months ago, I talked about the fabulous Cakes By Beth and her equally fabulous 2012 Cake Collection. I promised more gorgeousness from Beth, didn’t I? Well, today is the day, Cake Fans!
While I absolutely ADORED Beth’s Gothic Roses and Birdcage Cake (especially right in the middle of Downton Abbey Fever hitting us here in the States in FULL force), I really, really fell in love with this Nautical Love Wedding Cake immediately. Oh, and I can tell you exactly why, no doubt. If you’ve spent anytime here on A Wedding Cake Blog, you’ve figured out that I am a Florida girl, and lover of all things beachy and water-related. My happy place is staring out at the Big Blue Ocean. I would SUPER be that bride with seashells adorning her wedding invitations (in fact, I was.) So my love for this cake was instantaneous. Love at first sight. That Beth used my favorite color – blue – and lots of shades of it, with awesomeness STRIPES and a very cool rope motif…well, it was icing on the cake. (I had to. I had to go there.)
And one of my favorite things about the collection? Every cake had corresponding cookies or cupcakes, which demonstrate an extension of each theme brilliantly. I love LOVE the marbelized heart!
Learn more about Beth, her fascinating background, and her lovely cakes by visiting her website.
Hand Painted Tattoo Wedding Cake

I ran across another cake by Becky at Consumed by Cake, which led me to a little digging (I simply had to know more about her lovely work), which led me to brashly introduce myself to her when I found this incredible hand painted tattoo wedding cake.
The introduction went something like this:
“Hi, my name is Brooke, and I am in love with your cake.”
Becky graciously responded to my fawning and gushing, and sent me some darling details about this one. This was, it seems, her first “international” wedding cake! The couple, from Belgium, saw Read More
Rainbow Cake Ball Wedding Cake

We love Cake Wrecks. If you want to laugh hysterically (and sometimes, it’s at people, and not with them), then be sure to check out this awesome website.
However, we’ve never linked to them, because, well, usually they’re highlighting all that is hysterically wrong with cake. But then every so often, they show us beautiful cakes, and all is right with the world again.
I just fell in love with this rainbow cake ball wedding cake. Cake balls (yes, we realize it’s kind of a funny term) – not to be confused with cake pops. First, these are different sizes, and all are much bigger Read More
Hand Painted Roses Wedding Cake

We’ve seen hand painted wedding cakes. And we’ve seen roses wedding cakes. But we’ve never seen someone put the two together. The beautifully talented and oh-so original Victoria Made has once again set our hearts aflutter.
We love the simplicity Read More
Ombre Pink Roses Cake

I am a sucker for the ombre technique of gently moving from lighter to darker shades of a color. Whether it’s a dress, a wall, a piece of stationary, or a cake – if it’s a color that I love, and the artist has used ombre, I’m in.
This cake super had me at hello. Isn’t it just perfection? Gradually moving from the palest pink to Valentine red, it’s just breathtaking. In fact, I think it’s the perfect cake to feature as we head toward the month o’ love.
This lovely cake is the work of Janet Mohapi-Banks, a wonderfully talented baker and cake artist located just outside Read More