Save On Bridesmaids’ Gifts with The Knot Wedding Shop Online Store!
The Knot Wedding Shop Online Store continues to offer terrific savings on those special gifts for the girls who share in your special day – your bridesmaids!
Tell them how much their time and love mean to you by giving them a gift that they’ll treasure, something to remind them of the memories you make together. Even personalized gifts are available for up to 70% off!
Beautiful friends picture frames, which we Read More
Yellow Abstract Flower Wedding Cake

We hear that a lot of couples are going for smaller celebrations these days. Maybe their circle of friends is smaller. Maybe they’re cutting down on the expense of a big wedding. Or maybe they’re just thinking that a wedding is kind of an intimate thing, and really doesn’t need to be shared with everyone you ever met in your life.
Whatever the reason, we’re seeing really lovely examples of smaller cakes, like Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Felt Valentine Lovebirds

We’re not done with Valentine’s Day yet – oh nosireebobby!
Aren’t these little lovebirds adorable? I mean, the polka dot cake by Cakebee in Centreville, Virginia, was already all kinds of sweet, but then the dream team baker and bride came up with these precious felt bird cake toppers. The red on the hearts coordinates with the cake so perfectly! And the birdies are so life-like that you can practically hear the chirrups.
The bird motif was super hot in 2011, and it looks like it will carry over into 2012. What do you Read More
Van Gogh’s ‘A Starry Night’ Cake

This is not to say that Vincent Van Gogh made this cake. Nor am I implying that the cake was made for the long-departed, troubled, and fabulous Post-Impressionist artist. (Post-Impressionist, not Impressionist. Know your art history, Lovelies.)
This is to say that I LOVE this cake.
How fantastic is it? At once, recognizable as inspired by one of Van Gogh’s most famous works. But the feeling of movement, the energy, the texture, the colors – all spot on.
We espied this fantastic cake on Pinterest, and did a little Read More
Ivory Orchid Cutaway Wedding Cake

I wanted to show you this cake specifically because of the shape. The orchids are pretty, and the simple design is flawlessly executed, but what I really love is the shape.
So many brides and cake artists are looking to all kinds of embellishments to set their wedding cake apart, that sometimes we forget something as simple as the shape of the cake can make it unique. One of my very favorite cakes ever was featured in the cookbook Baking with Julia, and was made by Martha Stewart. It was such a simple cake really, ivory Read More
Ombre Sugar Valentine’s Heart Cake

OMG, y’all.
You know that I adore the genius, ingenuity, and hard word that is Erica O’Brien Cake. From the beginning of my work on this blog a year ago, I have followed her creative process through her blog with fascination. Right now, I’m captivated by her move across country and her hard work to get her new shop up and running in Hamden, Connecticut.
But in the midst of all the crazy that opening a business entails, Erica still finds time to be, you know, inspired, which just floors me. And she always seems to find inspiration from things mere mortals Read More
Red and White Roses Cake

Happy Valentine’s Day, Everyone!
Are you counting how many times I wish you that? I hope not.
Well, I mean, I can’t help it. It’s the month of looovveee. And thank goodness for it, since this is kind of a slow wedding time 😉
I had to show you this one. I love the simplicity of it, with the breathtaking, full-blown, real roses trimming the cake. Red roses are so sultry, don’t you think? Almost daring you to gasp at their brazenness. But here, they are Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for February 12, 2012

Greetings, Cake Lovers! What is holding your attention these days? Dreaming of hearts and pink and red? Or are you more forward-thinking, and have you run onto green beer, or even Easter goodies?
We are counting the days until spring, well, springs, here. And we’re checking Read More