Green Wedding Cakes
Green is not the most common color for a wedding cake, but there’s no reason that green can’t be beautiful. Any color can be striking if used appropriate and there are plenty of cakes that make great use of the color green.
Wedding Cake with Crystal Butterflies

Despite the winter wonderland outside my window, I have decided it’s time to embrace all things spring in the hope that there’s a thaw on the way and we’ll see green grass again sometime soon.
As part of this ‘let’s think spring’ movement, I had to find a spring-y wedding cake to share today, and I think I found it!
This lovely light green cake is perfect for a spring wedding! Read More
Emerald Green Wedding Cake

Before I saw today’s wedding cake I will admit that I never once thought about green as a wedding cake color.
But this cake – courtesy of Hockleys Cakes – has me singing a different tune!
I absolutely love this emerald green cake. It is so stunning and so unique and will leave other cakes “green” with envy!
And it isn’t just the green color of the cake that has me saying WOW – it’s that brooch. Seriously that is just downright incredible. And stunning. And it adds to the rich look and feel of the cake. Read More
Light Green Wedding Cake

I might have mentioned recently that green isn't a color I often go to, except when it's the holiday season.
However, I am loving this mint green confection and would adore it at any time of the year, holiday season or not.
The color of this cake is so cool and really creates a beautiful cake when paired with the white embellishment and lillies as decoration. Read More
Striped Green Wedding Cake

The holidays are the one time of year when I really enjoy the color green.
It's just such a festive color when it's paired with the other holiday hues like silver, gold, and red. And this cake really caught my eye because it features more than just one shade of green.
While it might look like the cake is wrapped with fabric, each tier of the cake is actually wrapped with bands of chocolate (yes, that's chocolate!) with stripes in varying green hues accented with white to make the greens really pop. Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 13, 2012

Happy Mother’s Day! And if you aren’t a mother, then feel free to wish me a Happy Mother’s Day!
I don’t know what today will hold – I’m heartily hoping for a little pampering, quiet, and possibly a nap – but I’m thankful for my babies, and I’m thankful that I still have my mom with me. I also have a life filled with so many dear sweet women and girlfriends who have been mentors and confidantes. So I’m glad to share this day with them as well.
The busy wedding season is Read More
Peony Pearl Wedding Cake

We are lovers to the max of Pink Cake Box around here. My partner, Christen introduced me to their work. You’ll know when I’m scrolling through their blog, because you’ll hear saying things like “Agh!” And “Gahhh!” And “Gorgeous!” My family probably thinks I’m having some kind of torrid love affair with my laptop.
I spied this cake on the blog just a few days ago, and Anne Heap and her talented staff graciously let me share the incredible pretty with all of you! The cake is Read More
Sage and White Square Box Wedding Cake

I’m in a unique state of mind this week, y’all.
This box-themed cake is incredible, don’t you think? I love everything about it. The meticulous execution of the theme (really. Would you know it was cake if I didn’t tell you?) The colors. The flawless – and I do mean FLAWLESS designs of argyle, hounds tooth, and stripes. The off-center stacking that is different than the way we usually see a wonky feature like that applied. And how about the top “box”, with the lid propped up, flowers spilling out? I love that the cake perfectly blends masculine Read More
Brown and Sage Polka Dot and Bow Wedding Cake

First, let me apologize for the less-than-super sharp picture. But I thought this cake was post-worthy, so I went with it
Isn’t it darling? I mean, we aren’t seeing anything terrifically new or daring here, but what we are seeing is executing beautifully. First of all, I LOVE brown – and it doesn’t even have to be chocolate for me to be happy about it. Secondly, I’m not always a big fan of fondant bows…honestly, most of the time, I’d rather see satin ribbon. But this one is perfect and gorgeous! Scaled exactly perfectly to the cake.
I like the Read More
Gremlin Wedding Cake

I am seriously a know-nothing when it comes to pop culture, y’all. I’m the last to (reluctantly) start playing the coolest new game or obtain the hottest new gadget. So I’m totally sure that the little guys on this cake have enormous meaning…but I have no idea what it is. Do you?
Anyway, I think this cake is brilliant. Look closely, and you’ll see two little twirps among the flowers, wreaking havoc. Rather than sticking these characters on top, and posing them in some “unnatural” way, couple and baker have a terrific sense of humor, and allow them to stay in character…thus terrorizing the cake. The pristine buttercream is Read More
Green Leaves Wedding Cake

Disclaimer: I am not Irish. However, it’s that time of year when green is everywhere, and it should be here, too.
So, if you aren’t Irish either, then we’ll take this opportunity to spring forward, and dream of the green things that are about to burst forth
This cake, which was featured on, is lovely, isn’t it? A simple, flawless white background, with sugarpaste leaves and Read More