Real Life Objects Cakes
The sky is the limit when it comes to cake sculpture. If you can describe it, or produce a photograph of it, then chances are your talented baker can turn it into cake. More and more, we are seeing real life objects cakes, or sculpted cakes as they are sometimes called, served in tandem with a traditional wedding cake. Normally, the sculpted cake is the groom’s cake, and can be fashioned into any number of objects: a beer bottle, a football helmet, a movie theatre. Gun case with a semi-automatic nestled in the foam-made-of-cake? No problem. Crab cake that looks like a crab? Easy peasy. Caffeine addict you’re baking for? Well then, why not a giant coffee cup? Sand castle? Child’s play. If you can dream it, it’s likely that your baker can do it. So free your mind. And your cake will follow.
Vintage Birdcage Cake

I’m all kinds of in love with Victoria Made. I knew it after we featured this cake and then this one. She is a goddess of gorgeous vintage style cakes.
This is a gorgeous separated two tier wedding cake with vintage inspired white roses between the two tiers. The cakes are covered in smooth white fondant and have a gorgeous fondant floral Read More
Scrabble Cake Redux

We’ve featured a Scrabble themed cake here before. However, that cake was a literal representation of the game…representing the board and all. This one is a little more subjective. If you’ve been pinning away on Pinterest you have probably seen a high variety of Scrabble-themed stuff. And stuff was literally the only word that could encompass the Scrabble-mania that has rocked the pinning world. Scrabble art, Scrabble cookies, Scrabble blankets…it’s amazing what you can do with those tiny letters. I mean honestly…someone HAS to do something Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for August 21, 2011

What an awesome week!
While we’re resting up from some great time with friends and family and making the last of the last few days of summer, we’re still all about the Sweet and Pretty! Here’s what we saw from The World of Wedding this week! But first, The News:
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries made it official yesterday. Like you didn’t know.
How’s this for romantic? The groom surprises the bride with a wedding – and gets all the details right!
Thinking of going green for your nuptials? Here’s how one Kansas Read More
Beach Cupcake Perfection

I am in love. I am in love with a group of cupcakes.
Y’all know that I’m a beachy kinda girl, n’est pas? I mean, give me two spare hours and see if you’ll catch me ANYWHERE else. I will be under the umbrella, swimsuit on, iPod tuned to something mellow, watching the tide ebb and flow.
So it should come as no surprise that I instantly fell in love with this aDORable Read More
Nerd Cakes

I have a little problem. It’s called Pinterest. I have another problem. I’m a big old nerd.
I can actually hide it pretty well but once I get rolling about Harry Potter, Angry Birds, Twilight or anything else remotely nerd-tastic, I cannot be stopped. So today I have decided to embrace my inner-nerd and post a bunch of FUN Nerd-inspired cakes that I found via Pinterest. Why, you ask? Because today, August 15th, 2011, is the last day of my twenties. Tomorrow I Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for August 14, 2011

Happy Weekend, Everyone! I hope some part of this end-o’-one-week-beginning-o’-the-next finds you with your feet up, enjoying a cup of coffee (or a cocktail) while relaxing, and enjoying the last few days of this wonderful, lazy time of the year. Here, we’re enjoying time with friends at the shore, so we’ll stop grimacing at the high temperatures, and pray Read More
Harry Potter Cake

Happy Harry Potter Day!
I have been looking forward to and dreading this day since the release of the last book way back in 2007. I, like the majority of the population, am a bonafide Harry Potter-o-holic. I even follow Lord Voldemort on Twitter.
I didn’t start off a Harry fanatic. About eight years ago I was 21 and I had just started dating my husband. At the time his little sister was 11 and she was obsessed with Harry Potter. She even dressed up like him for Halloween, twice. Later that year I studied abroad in Mexico and my roommate was also obsessed with Harry Potter. We would hit up the CinaMex (that’s really what they called them) every Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-up for July 10, 2011

Ah, post vacation blues. Don’t you feel sorry for me? Well, you should. Here I sit, tanned and rested, with lots of pretty pictures (and not a few shopping bags.) With a trip behind me, and not so much as a weekend getaway planned before me. Sulk. Sulk. Sulk.
BUT – I do have friends coming – my very best friend, in fact. I have visits to plan for, and new recipes to try – and, oh yes…I live 45 minutes from the beach.
Um, k. Sulking over.
I do need to be honest with you, though. I didn’t think a whole lot about weddings during my week in paradise, so this round up might be a little on the Read More
Cake versus Cupcake: The Smackdown
In this corner we have the traditional wedding cake. The modern wedding cake was introduced in the 20th century and the tiered wedding cake became popular in 1902.
In the other corner we have the cupcake. The cupcake can actually be traced back to 1796…over one hundred years before the first modern wedding cake. Their popularity at weddings only happened in the 2000’s as cupcakes became trendy. According to Wikipedia, the cupcakes first gained publicity in 2001 after Magnolia Bakery in New York City was featured on an episode of Sex and the City. Thank YOU Carrie Bradshaw.
A dilemma many modern brides are having is the great debate between cupcake versus cake. Which one do you choose?
Well, let me break it down for you:
Wedding Cake
The Tradition. A wedding without a cake seems almost unheard of. If you were paying Read More