Save BIG on Wedding Essentials Now Through Wednesday with The Knot Wedding Shop!

We know that lots of you out there are busy, busy, looking online and scouring your favorite shops for just the right touches to make YOUR big day MAGICAL and SPECIAL – so we’re extra excited to let you in on a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!
Starting today and lasting through Wednesday, Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for April 10, 2011

We will confess right here and now: it is terribly difficult to keep your figure when you spend hours a day reading – and occasionally sampling – the MOST luscious cake confections available on Planet Earth. Thank goodness for a gym and a handy walking path (oh, and a hubby who cooks delicious, healthy food), or I may balloon to the size of a small dirigible.
But we’re happy for Spring and lots of Spring-y things! Here in the southeast, we’re getting the first strawberries, and they’re inspiring us to make all kinds of yummy treats.
But you didn’t come here to hear me wax poetic about gaining weight and Read More
Vegan Nirvana: Mocha Almond Fudge Avocado Groom’s Cake

If you visit many trendy bakery sites and blogs (as I do), sooner or later, you are going to come across a whole list of “free” things – gluten-free, sugar-free, casein-free – and you might be tempted to say, “Hmmm, go ahead and add taste-free to that list, too.”
Well, I will have to say, respectfully, that –free doesn’t have to be devoid of culinary character.
Are you a bride – or a groom – looking to feature a vegan choice Read More
Chocolate Zucchini & Raspberry Cupcakes

So..not exactly a wedding cake..but I saw this picture and I couldn’t handle the loveliness of it all. These cupcakes are zucchini and chocolate flavored (oh yes..who knew that something that sounds so wrong could be SO right?) I would not mind eating my vegetables if they could always be ingested with chocolate. The tiny cakes are topped with cream cheese icing Read More
Sage, Chocolate Brown, and Cream Color Cupcake Heaven

I think I have expressed once, or twice…or perhaps even three times my love for cupcakes. Apparently, this cupcake combo comes with a back story. The cupcake stand was lost en route to the wedding venue so the baker improvised and turned wine glasses upside down and placed a plate on top of them. To tell you the truth..I kind of think it’s classy.
The best part..please listen to the flavors of these bad boys: Read More
A Royal Wedding Cake Profile: A look at Fiona Cairns

It was announced earlier this week that Fiona Cairns has been chosen by Prince William and Kate Middleton to bake their wedding cake. I’ve been eagerly counting down the days until my all night Royal Wedding Slumber Party (there will be one guest in attendance…that would be yours truly.) Since I am obsessed totally pumped about this wedding, I had to do a little digging on one Fiona Cairns.
I hit up the Fiona Cairns website and found Read More
Brown and Blue Wedding Cake

I remember the first time I saw the brown and blue color combination thrown together on the same palette. It was 2005…a Wednesday. It was raining. I worked in a small retail store, and Vera Bradley had just put out her new patterns for fall. Right then and there I fell in love with the illustrious Java Blue. (Which by the way, went on to be one of Vera Bradley’s all time best sellers. Apparently I wasn’t the only sorority girl who fell in love with the combo.)
The pattern has long since been retired but the colors have been paired together on everything imaginable, Read More
Cake Toppers: Minimalism Meets Monograms

Carving your love’s initials in a tree..that’s a right of passage yes? Admit it, you doodled the initials of your first crush plus your initials all over your diary. Or was that just me?
Perhaps that’s why this particular cake topper jumped out at me. What better way to celebrate the first day of your marriage by paying tribute with a throw back to the golden days of your youth? This adorable topper is handmade and available from The letters measure Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for April 3, 2011

Zip, zoom, bang! I don’t know about y’all, but my early spring is off to a roaring start. So many exciting things going on that it’s hard to keep up. A wedding here, a birthday party there, visits from friends to plan, a trip to a wonderful, well-known shelling beach to ponder – and a girls-only cruise that I can hardly wait to savor!
Wait? Where was I? Oh yes.
And if that weren’t enough, there’s a royal couple planning a royal wedding, and we are royally interested! Too much? Well, you’ll forgive me, since we are within a month of Kate and Will’s Big Day. Perhaps we will return to non-Kate-and-Will posts following April 29. But for now we Read More
Contrast: Chocolate Scrollwork Wedding Cake

I love a good contrast, don’t you?
Light and dark, old and new, bitter and sweet. Give me opposites to bring out the beauty Read More