buttercream wedding cakes
Yellow Abstract Flower Wedding Cake

We hear that a lot of couples are going for smaller celebrations these days. Maybe their circle of friends is smaller. Maybe they’re cutting down on the expense of a big wedding. Or maybe they’re just thinking that a wedding is kind of an intimate thing, and really doesn’t need to be shared with everyone you ever met in your life.
Whatever the reason, we’re seeing really lovely examples of smaller cakes, like Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for February 5, 2012

Welcome to February, y’all!
I hear that the groundhog saw his shadow (is that the one where there’s more winter?) I’m seeing a lot of declarations that it’s all good…if it’s more winter like this, then who cares? But as a storm blankets the West today, I’m still super duper glad that I call the Southeast Read More
Navy Blue Bow Cake

I made mention to it earlier this week but Navy is my color for 2012. I don’t know why but suddenly Navy is popping up all over my wardrobe and in my house. I just adore it. It’s not a shocker that this love has transcended into Navy Wedding Cakes. I searched and searched for my first Navy cake feature. And then I found this Navy Blue Bow Cake made by The Pink Cake Box, a baker we just love to feature here on AWCB.
This cake has four tiers and is a round cake. The cake is chocolate ganache and covered in white buttercream. The Navy comes in the form of an adorable swiss dot pattern all over the cake. And that bow. The show stopping fondant Read More
Pink and Black Ribbon Wedding Cake

So. Clearly. This is a display cake. I thought I’d go ahead and just out that gorilla in the room right up front.
But seriously…even surrounded by perfume bottles, and with a backdrop that is obviously retail in nature…how in the world could I refuse? Can’t you just SEE Grace Kelly striding up for a slice in a twin set, pencil skirt, and pearls?
Okay, it’s just me.
If you know anything about this girl, you know that I am madly in love with anything classic, and just about all things preppy. This cakes is all Read More
Snowflake Cake

We loves us some Kara Buntin of A Cake to Remember around here. Yes. We do. So, is it any surprise that I choose to wave goodbye to 2011 with one of her cakes? Probably not.
I am a firm believer in the Twelve Days of Christmas, y’all. In our home, Christmas isn’t over until the Wise Men have come and gone on January 6 (that’s the Epiphany, by the way, in case you are wondering what in the world I’m talking about.) Only then does the tree come down, and all the pretty decorations are tucked lovingly away til next December.
But, even I realize Read More
Summer in December: Basketweave Strawberry Cake

I’m in a contrary state of mind.
We are about to launch into the week before Christmas, and so, of course, Christen and I both have some delighful, sugar-plummy cakes planned for you. So what better way to cleanse your brain palate than to offer you something completely off the wall today?
Yes. It’s July in December.
I mean, we do the opposite all the time, right? Christmas in July and all that? Well, here’s a look at the summeriest thing I could find: basketweave and strawberries, trimmed with ivy, with Read More
Sweet and Simple White Buttercream Cake

Perhaps I can be a bit predictable, but a simple round white cake really gets me excited. Especially when the baker chooses to do just a little tiny something to send the cake over the edge. Just like this one. Sure it looks like a simple white cake with a light cream ribbon around each tier. My favorite part is the textured buttercream frosting. First Read More
Black and White Scroll Work Wedding Cake

Black and white is classic a la Coco Chanel…so obviously a black and white wedding cake is oozing with class and sophistication. This is a three-tiered round cake covered in white buttercream. The buttercream is covered in a gorgeous black scroll work pattern. My favorite part of this cake is the incredible black fondant bow that starts at the top of the cake, and flutters all the way down to the bottom tier. I love how it’s wrapped up like a perfect present..and I love presents!
Rose Wedding Cake

Sure..have your wedding cake, your chocolate cake, cream puffs, strawberry cake, cheesecake and …pumpkin pie? And eat it too.
I’m not sure if I have ever seen this many desserts at one wedding…but…you know…why not? Desserts are kind of amazing yes? The highlight of this dessert table is of course the three-tiered white wedding cake adorned with deep red roses. The cake is a traditional three tiered round cake covered with Read More
The Heir to Blair talks Wedding Cake

I am SO excited today to bring you all our very first guest post. When I sat down to think about who should have that honor I could think of no other blogger than Blair from The Heir to Blair Blog. There she blogs about her cutie-pie son Harrison, her struggles and victories as a working mom all while balancing her family life.
However, before there was an Heir to Blair there was a man named Nate who she married five years ago today. You can tell just by reading her blog how ridiculously in love and in awe she still is with him. Today she is going to talk about Read More