red wedding cakes
Apple Wedding Cake Redux

This is one of my all-time favorite cakes that I’ve featured. Why am I providing you with a re-run today, you ask? A couple of reasons:
1. A cake loved should be shared more than once.
2. We will never forget.
So today, although I will not dwell on what September 11 has come to mean to Americans as well as others around the world, I do offer you this apple cake Read More
Ombre Red Velvet Wedding Cake

From the pages of Martha Stewart, we find this new take on a much loved classic, Red Velvet Cake.
Everybody knows that the BEST red velvet cakes must be covered in a thick layer of cream cheese frosting, right? I mean, you do know that? Well, that doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room for creativity on the outside of your cake…so this baker, Francina Stewart of One Girl Cookies in Brooklyn, took to the inside to set her cake apart. The outside is covered with Read More
Red Show Stopping Wedding Cake with Roses

I’m not feeling very subtle today. So I went in search of a cake that would set Brooke convention (you know, beachy, classic, pearls, blah blah blah) on its head. And this is what I found.
Isn’t this stunning? Bands of different red hues encircle an otherwise simple three-tiered round cake. A band of white is added on the top and bottom layers for contrast, and the whole thing is trimmed out in Read More
Maraschino Cherry Wedding Cake

It’s cherry season, y’all! But whether it’s July or November, you can feature this cake trimmed in bright red fondant ribbon and maraschino cherries, since the candied cherries are seasonless!
Isn’t this darling? Three double-height layers, and the middle hexagonal in shape, make for an adorable cake. Did you notice the cool cutout design on that middle layer? And the pop of color from the bright red fondant trim and gumpaste cherries is so cheerful that you can’t help but grin. As if the cake Read More
Gremlin Wedding Cake

I am seriously a know-nothing when it comes to pop culture, y’all. I’m the last to (reluctantly) start playing the coolest new game or obtain the hottest new gadget. So I’m totally sure that the little guys on this cake have enormous meaning…but I have no idea what it is. Do you?
Anyway, I think this cake is brilliant. Look closely, and you’ll see two little twirps among the flowers, wreaking havoc. Rather than sticking these characters on top, and posing them in some “unnatural” way, couple and baker have a terrific sense of humor, and allow them to stay in character…thus terrorizing the cake. The pristine buttercream is Read More
Chinese Takeout Wedding Cake

Omistars in Heaven Above. (Haven’t started out that way for a bit 😉 )
So, how fabulous is this positively adorable cake depicting a yummy-looking stack of Chinese takeout? Would you not LOVE to know this story? I shall imagine one for us.
The couple met and fell in love, and soon discovered they also shared a passion for noodles.
The couple met when he delivered the noodles Read More
Hand Painted Tattoo Wedding Cake

I ran across another cake by Becky at Consumed by Cake, which led me to a little digging (I simply had to know more about her lovely work), which led me to brashly introduce myself to her when I found this incredible hand painted tattoo wedding cake.
The introduction went something like this:
“Hi, my name is Brooke, and I am in love with your cake.”
Becky graciously responded to my fawning and gushing, and sent me some darling details about this one. This was, it seems, her first “international” wedding cake! The couple, from Belgium, saw Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Felt Valentine Lovebirds

We’re not done with Valentine’s Day yet – oh nosireebobby!
Aren’t these little lovebirds adorable? I mean, the polka dot cake by Cakebee in Centreville, Virginia, was already all kinds of sweet, but then the dream team baker and bride came up with these precious felt bird cake toppers. The red on the hearts coordinates with the cake so perfectly! And the birdies are so life-like that you can practically hear the chirrups.
The bird motif was super hot in 2011, and it looks like it will carry over into 2012. What do you Read More
Red and White Roses Cake

Happy Valentine’s Day, Everyone!
Are you counting how many times I wish you that? I hope not.
Well, I mean, I can’t help it. It’s the month of looovveee. And thank goodness for it, since this is kind of a slow wedding time 😉
I had to show you this one. I love the simplicity of it, with the breathtaking, full-blown, real roses trimming the cake. Red roses are so sultry, don’t you think? Almost daring you to gasp at their brazenness. But here, they are Read More
Fall Fruits Wedding Cake

Sometimes, there is just no way to react to a cake, other than….
Isn’t this just simplicity and beauty and wholesomeness wrapped up in a tidy little edible confection? I bring you this cake courtesy of Martha Stewart Weddings. The cake was made by Karen Menning Porter, the sister of the bride. Karen apparently owned Tilly’s Cakes of Neodesha, Kansas, at the time of the post, but I can no longer find a website
BUT – let’s focus on the Read More