Baby Blue and White Wedding Cake

With so many alternative wedding cakes out there (cupcakes, cake pops and cake jars) and so many gorgeous toppers I feel like it has been awhile since I have featured a good old traditional white wedding cake. So to satisfy your need for cake gorgeousness here you go…
This is a traditional square cake adorned with a sweet baby blue trim around the base of each Read More
Cake Jars

Oh yes..I have shown you cupcakes. I have shown you cake pops. I have shown you cake push-pops..and now I bring you cake jars.
Yes…yes. These delicious treats are made by Pickle’s Bake Shop out of the Washington D.C. area. Have no fear if you aren’t in the DC area because she has an online bakeshop right here. These little cakes come in a cute little glass jar with an adorable little spoon. They come in a variety of flavors..Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Icing, Chocolate with Chocolate/Vanilla/Marshmallow Butter Cream, Vanilla Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 29, 2011

Oh, but what a week it has been! Graduations and teacher’s gifts and vacation planning oh my! I don’t know if your spring has been break neck speed like ours has been, but I am certainly glad for a long holiday weekend to slow the heck down and take in some family time. Out to dinner, playing by the pool, and off to the beach – good times Read More
Frosted Fruit Wedding Cake

Let’s take a trip back in time, shall we? Back to a quaint time, called…the nineties. Like, the 1990s.
I love Martha Stewart. Have I mentioned that? At least, I love her ideas, and how she transformed gracious, beautiful living into something everyone wanted to embrace. And one of my very favorite ideas that I gleaned from Martha was the use of fruit or flowers to embellish and garnish cakes.
Now, I realize she didn’t invent the practice, but I believe she certainly went a long way Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Bicycle for Two Wedding Cake Topper

My recent fascination with all things homemade and vintage has lead me into a wonderful word of handmade Wedding Cake Toppers & that includes this beauty.
This topper makes me want to ride my bicycle barefoot with my groom singing songs about my beautiful balloon. Is that just me? Not only would it make an adorable cake topper but it would also look great on a bookshelf as a wedding day memento for years to come. I originally found this beauty on Pinterest but after some digging I discovered the Etsy store Read More
Classic Monogram Cake with Bobble Head Topper

I love a good old original while round cake. It’s classic and gorgeous. Twenty years from now the bride and groom will look back on their pictures and be happy with their choice because it’s not completely insane. That’s what I like about this cake. The Read More
Banana Cream Pie Cupcakes

I really thrive on finding cakes and cupcakes that are really interesting. Let’s face it: while the classic vanilla cupcake with chocolate frosting is amazing, sometimes you just need to live a little dangerously and go out and find something really exciting and different. I am living on the edge with these Banana Cream Pie Cupcakes.
If there is one thing about the south that I love it is the food. I have sweet tea running through my veins and banana pudding helps pump my blood. (Suddenly this is starting to sound very unappetizing). Anyway, I love a good Banana Pudding or Banana Cream Pie. There are times I choose Banana Pudding over chocolate. Gasp! When I found these Banana Cream Pie cupcakes my southern heart almost exploded from happiness. If you fancy yourself a baker (which I am not by the way) you can whip out the old muffin tins and make some yourself thanks to this website. Brooke is the baker of this group so I think I’ll let her try that. I can mess up cake in a box without really trying.
This leads me to the question I have got to know the answer to. What are your favorite desserts?
Green and Brown Wedding Cake

I picked this cake for one reason.
Thin. Mints.
That’s what this cake reminds me of. The thin minty goodness that appears every March and then is unceremoniously ripped from the parking lots of grocery stores a few weeks later. I typically cry until June and then I forget about it again until February when my little friend comes around with her cookie selling sheet. Oh yes. I love Thin Mints.
I have no idea if this cake is actually mint flavored..but the light green and brown color combination remind me of them. Or perhaps it’s the chocolate leaves as the topper that make me think mint. Either way it’s a yummy looking cake!
Mad Hatter Wedding Cake

I’m late..I’m late..for a very important date!
You know what that means. I’m getting all Disney on you again. In the hub-bub of the Royal Wedding I forgot to showcase one of my favorite themed wedding cakes. This cake was made by the Grand Floridian Resort Bakery at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. It was made for the All Night Royal Sleepover Celebration held at Disney’s Wedding Pavilion the night before Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 22, 2011

What a pretty week it has been! While my BPIP (Blog Partner In Pretty), Christen, has been out and about, scouring the best and most delicious treats for the boys out there (HELLO – ice cream groom’s cake! Brill!) I’ve been taking note of all the busy bakers that I have the pleasure to hobnob with. And yesterday evening, I had a real treat, as I got a peak at the Waldorf Astoria Orlando’s wedding salon. Can you say opulence-to-die-for? I’m hoping to have LOTS of pretty pictures and details to share with you about that experience soon! But in the meantime, Read More