Unconventional Wedding Cakes
In today’s wedding world, it seems that most wedding cakes are unconventional. It’s almost unconventional to have a white on white wedding cake! But in an unconventional wedding cake might refer to the design, the topper, or the flavors featured. Regarding design, one popular unconventional style today is the topsy turvy, asymmetrical design. Stacked cake layers give the illusion that the cake could spill over any minute, when in fact, the cake is balanced and level. Unconventional toppers are another way that a couple may make their cake unique. The couple who loves Angry Birds, for instance, can feature the adorable characters perched atop their cake. Can’t last a minute without your cell phone? There’s a wedding topper for that, too. Prefer Goth to Victorian? No problem. A talented baker can help you realize your dream cake. But you might opt for traditional design and toppers, and still find ways to be unconventional with flavors – even savory alternatives to wedding cakes, like “cakes” made of wheels of cheese, or layers of savory meet pies, might stand in for a conventional cake. So, express yourselves! In cake! And send us pictures.
Stylized Minimalist ‘Something Blue’ Wedding Cake

Happy Bridal Show Season!
Most of y’all who are reading us know this, but for those who don’t…this isn’t exactly the hottest time of the year for the wedding industry. So, in a creative attempt to keep themselves busy, many vendors get together during the winter months and have bridal shows, so that prospective brides and grooms can meet vendors, learn about trends, and maybe even win a cool prize or two.
Last November (where does the time GOOOO?), I attended the Downtown Disney Resort Area Hotel’s Bridal Stroll. What a neat event! We saw Read More
Nutcracker-Inspired Cake

I don’t know about you and yours, but around our house, we love The Nutcracker Suite. It’s become quite the little tradition in our family, playing the music, watching the video (I favor the old Baryshnikov version), and using the lovely decorations to dress up our home. Even my one year old has become fascinated with moving the soldier’s mouth back and forth.
So, of course, I had to share this beautiful cake with you. Inspired by The Nutcracker, this gilded beauty is the handiwork of The Pastry Studio in Daytona Beach, Florida. From owner and executive pastry chef Sherri Meyers, I learned that the festive Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for December 18, 2011

The week before Christmas. Is your hair on fire, like mine?
What a beautiful time of the year, when we remember hope and excitement and a thousand other things that make life sparkly and fun…that is, if we don’t wear ourselves out in the process. So my hope for you this week is that, at some point, you can grab a cup of cocoa, filled to the brim with marshmallows, sit in front of your Christmas tree, or by candlelight or glow of a fire, and just be.
It’s a crazy week for me too, so let’s do this. And we’ll start with Read More
Alice in Wonderland Cake

It’s no secret that I am a fan of Alice in Wonderland. I am also a fan of Alice in Wonderland weddings. I mean have you ever seen some of these magical Alice-themed weddings that Disney has put on? Ah-mazing. We’ve featured a couple of Alice in Wonderland-themed treats here and here on A Wedding Cake Blog in fact. I’ve even seen some non-Disney weddings that have been breathtaking. There is just something about the story that is just so whimsical that allows for a gorgeous backdrop.
Enter this amazing cake made by Karen Portaleo the Sugar Artist (what a cool title, yes?) from Highland Bakery in Atlanta, Georgia. I mean seriously–let’s get Read More
Combination Wedding and Groom’s Cake

This cake caught my interest on Pinterest. Why? Because I feel like it summarizes my life. I am a teacher so I spend most of my days sticky sweet and annoyingly traditional. However, every once and awhile I can easily flip to the dark side and my kids think “Hey, she’s a little nutty”.
So. That’s me. Half a traditional beautiful white cake and the other half a gorgeous chocolate groom’s cake. I have never seen a cake like this and to tell you the truth, I love it. The couple decided Read More
Bride of Chuckie Wedding Cake

This is happening. I was a little disturbed that I found this after Halloween. This would have made a great addition to my week of Halloween themed cakes. However, I sadly found it just a few weeks after Halloween and holding on to it for next year would have been smart. Sadly, I just couldn’t keep this to myself.
I had to share.
Chuckie and his err..um..gorgeous? wife sit on top of this cake that pays homage to all things crawly with spiders and blood drippings on the top tier and a creepy Read More
Alice in Wonderland Inspired Petit Fours

Alice in Wonderland-themed weddings have hit an all-time high this year.
No seriously, I’m not kidding. I’ve seen high-end themed weddings that would BLOW your minds and homespun adorable themed weddings that are just, well, adorable. Much like these petit fours. Down south we just call these “cake squares” but a petit four can actually be a small macaroon, cake or a baked meringue. I love how these petit fours are actually covered in sweet pastel colors like pink, Read More
Norwegian Kransekake

Since tomorrow is the American Thanksgiving let’s stretch out our multicultural wings and talk about Norway. Specifically this Norwegian Kransekake Wedding Cake.
Although I have never heard of Kransekake until today…and I actually don’t really know how to pronounce it… Read More
Chocolate Fondant and Autumn Tree Wedding Cake

Isn’t this pretty? So nice and…autumn-y. I think Christen will be really impressed with me for posting this one. What do y’all think?
This beautiful cake, made by Slice Cake Studio in Longmont, CO, was inspired by the couple’s wedding invitation! I would really like to see that stationary personally, because this is stunning and I think it just looks, well…yummy.
Three layers, perfectly uniform in height…the bottom and top covered with a rich, chocolate-brown fondant. And sandwiched Read More
Monogrammed Mini Cakes

Once or twice..or who am I really kidding here..about fourteen times I’ve shared my love for all that is monogrammed on AWCB.
So needless to say these adorable blue mini cakes featured here on TheKnot.com. Seriously? If Cake Pops are the new Cupcakes Read More