Tour de Cake! More Bicycle Wedding Cake Toppers

Your wedding day is generally considered one of the best days of your life. Yes?
Well, why not combine the best day of your life with the best time of your life. That’s what this couple did. They chose a simple two tiered circle cake covered in chocolate ganache and added a fondant masterpiece to the top. The fondant bride and groom are riding Read More
Oh my ganache!

Does anyone else have the strong desire to just whip out your finger and dig it right into this cake until your knuckle deep in chocolate ganache or is that just me?
This three tiered circle cake is slathered in bittersweet ganache and beautiful blue fondant bands around each tier. The flowers on the top and the side just make the cake pop with color. I have to admit I love the placement of the flowers as well.. kudos to Hana and Posy in Philadelphia, Pa. Now that we have appropriately Read More
Groom Helping Bride Cake Topper

I have to admit..I have dislikes. You might not know that since I generally post about how amazing, gorgeous and yummy looking everything is.
Dislikes..I have them. I generally just don’t blog about them until right now.
I tell you what I really don’t love..those wedding cake toppers where the bride is Read More
Valentine’s Day Cake Pops

Happy Valentine’s Day!
I love Valentine’s Day..I always have. Even when I was a kid I would always through a Valentine’s Day themed party. I considered it my right since my birthday was in August and my friends were almost always on vacation that week. My birthday parties were usually small..but my Valentine’s Day parties..well they were legendary. They are still spoken about in hushed, reverent tones..
In honor of this day of love you know I was going to bust out a heart shaped SOMETHING didn’t you? Of course I was.
Heart Cake Pops! We’ve talked about Cake-Pops Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for February 13, 2011

It’s Love Day-Eve here at aWCB, and it’s time to celebrate l’amour the best way we know how…with lots and lots of calories!
But first, the news…
From the San Francisco Chronicle: in the categories of What Took Them So Long? and Of Course They Did!, Read More
I Do! With This Mickey and Minnie Cake Topper

I do love autumn, contrasting colors, Mickey and Minnie, candlelight, and getting straight to the point!
Isn’t this adorable? I fell in love with the fanciful message, writ large across the table. But then I noticed the details. Read More
Stormtrooper Wedding Cake Topper

The title of this photo is “Yes, they are stormtroopers.” I wonder how many times the Bride and Groom had to say that at this wedding!
Anyway, we love it. There’s nothing better than a nerdy cake in our eyes here at aWCB, and it rarely gets nerdier that the occasional Star Wars cake! But this one seems just a little bit better than the rest. This isn’t just a Princess Lea + Read More
Pink and Black Wedding Cake

Every once in a while I have the urge to have a Grease theme wedding, don’t you? And when that time comes, this has got to be the cake for it.
Hot pink, smooth as glass frosting is tangled up in thin black ribbons. Black polka dots mark a subtle design, making the cake almost traditional — if it wasn’t for Read More
Butterfly Wedding Cake

This cake is so simple, yet so beautiful. Smooth frosting accented with bright butterflies flying up to a birds’ nest. The natural feel of the cake extends to the “cake stand,” a wood round that was harvested by the groom and his father!
The cake was inspired by Martha Stewart’s butterfly wedding cake, and is Read More